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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. Anytime you turn the ball over more than your opponent you are normally going to lose the game. I thought it was pretty lame when Chan rolled out the same argument in his presser after the game. Turnovers are a huge part of the NFL pecking order - bad teams make them and good teams force them. If the Bills want to win games they need to play better on all levels - period!
  2. Oh, and my editor is a huge *Pats fan so you can imagine how much s*it I've had to take over the past 48 hours.
  3. Here is the recap and game balls (yes, there were a couple) for the Bills-*Pats game. I picked the Bills to win by 10, so please pass the salt so I can eat my hat. http://niagarahub.com/2012/10/01/bills-thrills-patsbills-recap-pizza-and-wings-from-papa-leos-were-quite-delightful/
  4. "Did not know Trusello's had been reborn... the old place was around the corner from home... I loved that bread almost as much as I loved the pizza. And of course it was fun to go into that OSHA nightmare that was the one-room bakery and store." Not to hijack my own thread into a pizza and bread discussion, but a place called E. Antonio's in Wilson has recreated the bread flawlessly (and the pizza too, for that matter). If I had a time machine I'd go back to 1977, just to walk into the old Trusello's on Elmwood Ave and drink in the smell of the flour and oil.
  5. Trusello pizza is back - just in Lewiston now - no bread though Remember doing this last year? Get ready for an encore. Go Bills!!!!
  6. Different, LaHacienda, San Jose. It's not Bob and John's -it's on Pine Avenue in the Falls and is owned by a great guy named Aldo.Seriously, go there for a pie the next time you're in town (and bring cash because they're so busy they can get away with not accepting plastic).
  7. I'm holding the pizza because I rate the offering from a different establishment with each Monday column. Oh, and it's a slice from LaHacienda (the best in WNY in my humble opinion).
  8. Look, something has changed Marcia is long in the tooth *Pats ain't what they were
  9. If *Pats fans are counting on refs to deliver a win, things are worse in New England-ville than I even imagined.
  10. I'll catch you after the game...and if I'm wrong, I'll use your Romney quote.
  11. "The Patriots are the football equivalent of too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere: they're in for a long, hard drought, but their fans are trying to convince themselves that it's just a short-term setback." "Bills' fans can take heart in the fact that this is not your father's New England Patriot squad that will invade RWS this Sunday (nor your slightly older brother's, for that matter). For starters, these Patriots come in with a losing record of 1-2 and it is a record that they rightfully deserve after losing to Arizona at home and blowing a two-score 4th quarter lead against the Ravens last week." http://niagarahub.fatcow.com/category/nfl-football/
  12. Happy for such a class guy to find a new home so quickly, but hard to see him in this uni.
  13. Two things: The first is that I'm surprised that the NFL.com page printed Jackson's "WTF" tweet. I know it's shorthand, but it is still an obscinity and if a player uttered the same aloud he would probably get fined. Second, is that Moorman holding on kicks is more of an immediate concern for me with this move. he is rock solid there and I hope we don't see Lindell have issues. Will Powell hold or is there someone else on the roster that has that skill set?
  14. If it's real, it's a shocker! Powell did look strong, so maybe it will solidify the position for the next decade.
  15. Come on, no takers on the Banned Books challenge?
  16. Thanks, I appreciate the kind words.
  17. Here are my Bills game balls - along with a special challenge for the more literate of you http://niagarahub.fatcow.com/category/nfl-football/
  18. Bills' Nation ponders, Just what can Brown do for you? Lose Cleveland, just lose.
  19. Bills/Browns preview is up with a bit of love for my TBD brothers and sisters... http://niagarahub.fatcow.com/category/nfl-football/
  20. Thought this ws the most interesting part of the story: Young also contends that Pro Player's efforts to serve him and the Bills with legal papers during training camp, which included a threat to contact the local sheriff, ''played a role'' in the Bills' decision to release him. ''I wasn't in the room when they (the Bills) made a decision, but what would you think? It certainly wouldn't help me if I'm the owner or the head coach knowing all this is going on with Vince and then he goes out and plays poorly,'' Dolezal said.
  21. He'll always be the voice of the NFL to me. R.I.P Steve
  22. My choices for game balls...anyone I forgot? http://niagarahub.fa...y/nfl-football/
  23. The Crowd at the Ralph yesterday (at least near my seats) was well-behaved. Not so much in Oakland as the faithful of the Silver and Black were throwing Haymakers at each other. Even the Raider chicks were heading home in steel bracelets. http://deadspin.com/5942608/some-fantastic-photos-of-a-fan-fight-at-the-raiders-game/gallery/1
  24. Just put the Bills-Chiefs preview up. Hope you enjoy. Frank http://niagarahub.fatcow.com/category/nfl-football/
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