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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. 7 PM Wednesdays, Ch. 88 is when it's on. Can't find any info on replay times.
  2. Just an update: The Show will air on Wednesday nights througout the season. Tasker will join Jimbo for the first half of the season then Andre will be the co-host for the remainder of the football calander. Very cool national show with a huge Buffalo vibe.
  3. Was I the only one that thought of Thurman while that was happening? Let's hope geno doesn't wear the chip on his shoulder as well as TT did.
  4. The kid needs to hire you as his PR agent.
  5. Bills will only draft players with the initial "J" in their name for the offense - no wait, scratch that one.
  6. With the new rookie wage scale not a consideration.
  7. Do you think hard on Geno if he's still there at 16?
  8. Couple retires and turns her dad's old pickup into a one-of-a-kind car that draws smiles everywhere it goes. Very cool!
  9. Not even sure what to comment on this story except, "How in the hell can that happen?" http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/04/24/178799235/1-inmate-impregnated-4-guards-at-md-jail-prosecutors-say
  10. Check out this clip of Pete schooling our own Bob McAdoo at HORSE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxmsYdc5wyc
  11. Larry was one of the main reasons that I fell in love with writing and the newspaper business. I read him from the age of 10 on and he had a "voice" that made me want to one day have a column of my own. Rest in Peace Larry and thank you for so many wonderful columns.
  12. So. after much anguishing I am going out on a limb and saying the Bills will take the kid from USC at 8... http://niagarahub.co...-the-nfl-draft/
  13. Was checking out some of his old clips and realized that when he was with the Jazz he actually had his nickname on the back of his jersey. Can you think of any other players that were ever allowed to do this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dy9XptRhHcM
  14. Loved Richie, especially his version of Dylan's "Just Like a Woman." Rest in Peace.
  15. Score one for the good guys! http://www.huffingto..._n_3132944.html
  16. That is one crazy sequence of plays.
  17. Wow, just watched the uncensored version (it's at the Perez Hilton site). Full frontal nudity - that kid knows how to sell a video. (On second viewing the girls do have tan-colored panties on, though it's hard to discern)
  18. "Lest anyone think I was drunk, that is farcical."
  19. My favorite video of bullies getting the tables turned on them. The girlfriend of the bully is so annoying and seems quite eager to see her man beat up someone, but reacts with horror when the fly takes out the spider. Moral: When a calm guy tells you he has no beef with you, you should listen and just walk away. (Probably NSFW due to a bit of language). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKVsJq_AKks
  20. Totally agree with you about Nassib and the reverse is true, too. If the Bills don't take him and he becomes a superstar - Marrone should have known better.
  21. The closer we get the more I think they're taking Barkley at 8.
  22. I had NO idea how awful that song was
  23. Marrone: Okay, next player to touch the ball is first QB cut in August. Jackson: Say what?
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