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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. Meant to post that the Avett's show last week at Artpark was excellent. They played for nearly 2 1/2 hours straight and had the crowd of 4,000 on their feet singing the whole time. http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130526/CITYANDREGION/130529368/1031
  2. I read somewhere where they are both dealing with personal family issues.
  3. You're underselling it. How about an immediate bust in Canton and the first player named to the 21st Century Top 100 list?
  4. Me, too. Chuck Norris once counted to infinity...twice.
  5. Chuck Norris roundhouse kick-starts his motorcycle.
  6. I was wondering who would be the first to hit that slowball over the fences.
  7. I know it's way early and I know they're playing in perfect conditions in the field house, but EJ has looked great airing out those deep balls to Rogers. I also think Hackett - as a first time NFL coordinator - has to stay way cautious. I'm not drinking the kool-aid yet, but it is a really nice shade of deep green in May.
  8. My girlfriend recently turned me on to the movies Before Sunrise and Before Sunset and we watched them on consecutive nights. I thought they were both great. In two days, the 3rd installment of this triology, Before Midnight, hit the theaters. They are all co-written by Director Richard Linklater and co-stars, Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy. I don't want to give anything away, but basically the flicks' center around two star-crossed lovers that first meet on a train to Vienna. What's cool about the concept is that the first film was released in 1995, the second nine years later in 2004 and the last one another nine years later in 2013. There are plans to keep making one evey nine years over the course of the lifetimes of the trio. They are intellectual films with great dialogue and take place in real-time. Check them out to see something very different from the Hollywood norm. http://www.sonyclass...emidnight/site/
  9. Now that is one f**king big snake!!!!! http://www.torontosu...thon-near-miami
  10. Sorry to hear about your Dad. It's a credit to you that you lived through something like that without losing hope and compassion.
  11. Well played, Sir.
  12. I was thinking about this today and I have to concur with you. I can't imagine that Nix would take total autonomy with a draft when he knew that he was stepping down and Whaley's future would be, at least in part, decided by how these players do.
  13. In 1989, Trickle was named NASCAR’s rookie of the year – at age 48. Oldest Rookie of the year in any sport ever?
  14. "I did not see this coming," said no one ever.
  15. Here's the link (before all the whooping and hollering for one begins) http://forums.twobil...ghns-with-bill/
  16. RIP Chuck. A great player to watch, too bad about the personal demons that robbed him of playing years.
  17. Haha...that's exactly what I thought.
  18. http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130510/BUSINESS/130519867/1005
  19. Independence Day is on July 4th this year.
  20. I heard it on WGR, I think. Sorry no clip, but I'm sure that's what he said.
  21. Buddy said, in a sound clip, that it went "very bad," with Dansby. I got the feeling that he wanted a lot more money than they were offering.
  22. Can any of you tech heads explain how 3D printers work in layman's terms so Philistines like me can understand the technology? Thanks in advance.
  23. Best bikes ever. Double forks, 3 ft. high sissy bar. banana seat. Man, I was Peter Brady cool circa 1976. LOL
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