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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. Cool story. Bills should take a good look at the kid.
  2. Okay, here's my pet urinal peeve: There's a row of 6 urinals - the type with no dividers between. I'm at the one 2nd in from the left - all others are unoccupied. Guy walks in and takes the one right next to me. wtf????
  3. Rex Ryan just read this thread and made himself sticky.
  4. It's recognition far overdue. If they had counted all of Deacon's sacks Bruce might still be playing trying to break the record.
  5. No, but a baker's dozen of his kids still live in various homes around the region.
  6. It's not the credo, but it was posted to honor the girl. I stand behind everything Niagara Rises has done to help, in some small way, the city and people of Niagara Falls. We are all volunteers giving time, money and energy to make the city better for the next generation of kids. You can Google me and the organization to see what we've done, I'm not pandering for compliments here. As to the 8 million visitor statement, 3 Sisters islands get about 1/10th of that. I'm happy for all comments pro or con becuse I believe that discussion is healthy for all issues.
  7. That quote was written by a 12 year-old developmentally challenged girl who organized a drive to get winter clothes for the homeless for Niagara Rises. But, yeah, other than that it's priceless. Thanks, Plez. Maybe it's a Falls thing, but most people from NF hate what has been done.
  8. Anywhere else in Niagara Falls this development would be welcome, but Goat Island and 3 Sisters are clearly protected by the Olmsted Act to keep them natural. Improvements could have been made without sacraficing that principle. It is important to keep at least one slice of the park as nature intended it to be (especially with the honkey-tonk vibe that permeates places like Clifton Hill).
  9. My latest - concerning NY State's destruction of everything that made Three Sisters Islands natural and beautiful. http://niagarahub.com/2013/06/17/three-sisters-islands-rehabilitation-a-travesty-to-olmsteds-memory-by-frank-thomas-croisdale/
  10. Went to see "Before Midnight" last night - the 3rd movie of the Richard Linklater trilogy. Great movie, amazing dialogue. If you're 40ish, it speaks to the issues that face you. Oh and Julie Delpy has a 10 minute topless scene.
  11. Nobody who has posted here for more than a month hasn't had at least one instance where they put something up a bit prematurely. Your apology just shows what great character you possess and this board is far better because of your presence.
  12. Yes, they usually have insurance contracts that cover them for what their contract was worth (estimated) if they get injured.
  13. That is the fear. Hopefully, they will realize that they cannot budget for casino funds that they may or may not get and be fiscally responsible. (Something they haven't been in at least 30 years).
  14. Couldn't have come sooner for a cash-strapped city. http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130613/CITYANDREGION/130619631/1010
  15. I hope and pray that she recovers, but the first paragraph did end by saying, "Friends fear for her life."
  16. Very sad news about two beloved American actresses. Was anyone ever hotter than MTM as Laura Petrie? http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2013/06/12/barbara-kay-last-of-the-tv-ladies/
  17. Thanks for the link. I caught the last 45 minutes of the Avetts - great, as usual.
  18. It's National Doughnut Day. still time to get a free one: http://www.businessinsider.com/get-free-donuts-on-national-donut-day-2013-2013-6
  19. Prayers to Jimbo - remember "Nobody Circles the Wagons like the Buffalo Bills (and the fans that support our own forever)."
  20. Love that movie. "Sometimes the only winning move is not to play at all." Oh and how about, "I'd piss on a sparkplug if I thought it'd help."
  21. In an ironic twist to the story police learned that the dog could only perform in the missionary position. Ba, dum, ba...
  22. I had the great pleasure of sitting down with Jim and Jill in their home when I interviewed them for Buffalo Soul Lifters. They were both great people (and meeting Hunter was one of the great moments I've had on this planet). I wish him all of God's good grace in battling this and hope he makes a full recovery.
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