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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. Moral of this thread: if a poster proposes something that you think is ludicrous, take the high road in your response because it may take a coaching change and a switch in defensive philosophy, but it could come back to bite you in the a$$. Glad I didn't respond back in November and let me echo the kudos to Utah John.
  2. Wow, JB now falls to 5th on all-time wins list.
  3. Just watched a fascinating episode of the show, In Search of Aliens, that theorized that the monsters of Loch Ness and Lake Champlain are actually time travelers accessing worm holes caused by the huge deposits of Quartz present in both lakes. Thought it was a unique and creative way to explain the inability of scientists to capture the creatures on sonar, if nothing else. Here is a synopsis of the episode: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1026862/pg1
  4. I think Verizon. I dealt with DirecTV, I assume Verizon would be the same.
  5. Coyotes blow 2 goal lead in final 7 minutes, but win in a shootout. Now 6 points behind Sabres. Holy Moley. Btw, Center Ice is just $49 through end of season. I called and complained about the service cutting out on recent Sabres games and they gave me a $25 credit, so, in essence I got the Center Ice pkg for $24. Watching every Yotes and Oilers game and lovin' every minute of it.
  6. Here's John Lennon himself to tell you why there is no comparison - the Beatles originated and the Stones copied. Seeing as how it is John, definitely NSFW.
  7. Question: It's been referenced a few times that Rex said, "The biggest move is yet to come." I've searched for the source of this statement with no luck. Did he actually say it or is it just wishful thinking by over- caffeinated fans?
  8. For some strange reason this thread made me crave one of these bad boys.
  9. Let me boil down the consensus response for you: Upon first hearing news- "Horrible. WTF are they thinking?" 60 minutes later, "I'm starting to come around on this." 3 hours later, "I really like this move. Not a stud QB, but we weren't going to get one this year anyway. Now we can go into FA and address the OL. Go Bills, in Whaley we trust!"
  10. From NFL.com article on trade winners and losers: "Bills fans: It's been a while since they have felt this relevant. Their defensive line is the best in the league, and they have added Rex Ryan and LeSean McCoy before free agency even starts. Time will tell if the Bills look back fondly on the deal; we believe it could be a rare win-win. It undeniably makes the Bills more interesting." Wasn't too long ago when many were decrying the fact that the Bills were no longer relevant nationally. Now, with the Pegula purchase, Rex hire and McCoy trade, one could argue that they're on Sportscenter more than 95% of the other franchises.
  11. Well, everyone held serve last night. 18 games to go...
  12. This from a Drew Rosenhaus tweet: I just spoke with the Eagles organization and there is no trade for LeSean at this time. There have been discussions but nothing finalized 6:51 PM - 3 Mar 2015
  13. Wow. Too stunned to make sense of this right now.
  14. Wish him well, but happy to see him leave WGR. He is highly inarticulate, the king of the malapropism and his overuse of the phrase, "by no means," drove me up a wall. He seems like a truly good guy, but he simply does not possess the spontaneous verbal fluidity needed of a professional radio personality.
  15. Seems a little nuts that the boys football team can wear pink unis in October for Breast Cancer Awareness, but the girls, who actually have breasts and one day may develop cancer, cannot because their season doesn't start until December.
  16. This guy is the top suspect. http://vimeo.com/120931456
  17. That's a must read for anyone still fretting last place. Murray has put together one of the worst goalie tandems of recent times.
  18. Agreed, but it sure beats talking about the sub- freezing weather for the 35th consecutive day.
  19. It's not IMO - as in, "in my opinion." It's lowercase, lmo - as in "L" for Leroi and mo, as in "money" (on his) "opinions."
  20. They get outshot by a 3-1 margin because they don't have the talent of other teams. Scoring on 2 out of 3 shots in the first period last night, that is what a slighted coach brings to the table.
  21. Who would've thought that a season spent in 30th would have such tension and drama?
  22. I think the jump in effort and determination wasn't so much to do with the trade, but rather had everything to do with the reporting of the rumor that GMTM is keen on dumping Nolan at the end of the year in favor of Luke Richardson. One scribe called it, "The worst kept secret in the NHL." I bet that Nolan used that, coupled with the shake-up of the trade, and sold the team on the concept that, "They're sacrificing all of us for one of the two golden boys, so let's rain on their parade, shall we boys?"
  23. I have never been so pissed off about a win - ever!
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