For so many years, when we lived under the threat of the team leaving, it was often cited that WNY could no longer support the team with season ticket sales. I always believed that to be a fallacy. I thought that there were plenty of people in WNY that were able to afford season tickets, but they didn't buy them for a myriad of reasons (including the long playoff drought). It's great to see that myth quashed once and for all. WNY is really on the upswing and a new single-season ticket record is a great way to show that to the country.
I'm in Section 124 - hope to meet a few more of you this year at the stadium.
I think Eichel took the first step on becoming an all-time Buffalo sports legend yesterday when he declared himself the best player in the draft. The kid will have a chip on his shoulder and the head-to-head match-ups with Mcdavid should be legendary.
The 89 year-old woman was a hoot. The final act with the rain and lights was really strong.
Oh, and the magician had the line of the night when he said to Howard, "You put on a top hat and played guitar with Guns 'n Roses and, poof, you're famous."
Very interesting read. He seems like a very articulate guy. Too bad he didn't learn some lessons earlier in life.
For you former residents that may have not been back in town for awhile. It's not your father's Buffalo any more.
Awesome hire!!!
According to ESPN, a team has to give up a 3rd rounder when hiring a coach still under contract during the off-season. An in-season hire garners a 2nd rd pick.
Great read. Happy to see he is continuing his education and still striving to be an even better coach.
In the end, I think Eichel and Reinhart will make him look like a genius.