For those of you that have a living dad, I hope you get to spend time with him today.
For those with kids, I hope they treat you like a king.
Enjoy your day, One and all.
I think it's already made. A kid ballsy enough to hand Don Cherry a USA Hockey Sweater live on Hockey Night in Cabada isn't going back to college. He's ready for prime time now and it going to be one helluva ride for fans of the Sabres.
I have an unopened box of Flutie Flakes as well as a box of Kelly Krunch cereal. I also have the Ryan Miller ceral, though I can't remember what they called it.
Secretariat is, was and forever will be the greatest horse ever.
Mrs. Brown was Hermen's Hermits. The two babies are each different Beatles Songs.
The one that's stumping me is the bee buzzing by the daisies with the For Rent sign.
Any ideas?