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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. There is only one request to put in when you're on death row and they ask you what you want for your last meal - a bottomless bowl of chili.
  2. I love powder blue, so I have to go with the old Buffalo Braves and the old San Diego Chargers unis.
  3. I know you're just trolling at this point, but having spent some time with Darryl I can tell you that he lost his money because his business was hit hard by the recession and he used his personal finances to make his payroll and take care of his employees. The right business move would have been to file for bankruptcy, but as Jim Kelly will attest to, that route also comes with much public scorn.
  4. If I can steer the conversation in another direction, where do you buy the dry, aged steaks from?
  5. Not good. Does the NHL have mandatory suspensions for off-ice incidents like the NFL does?
  6. Link??? Never mind, found it myself. http://www.am980.ca/2015/07/13/buffalo-sabres-centre-ryan-oreilly-charged-with-impaired-driving/
  7. He took a lot of money from people like Jim, Bruce and Andre. Getting his pension straightened out is key. The money bought him time to work on the depression.
  8. He didn't ask for anything. I made that decision for him and thousands of fans got behind it. In the end, a guy that was suicidal is now doing great and will be back working for the Bills. I hope you'll be able to find a bit of happiness in that because this story could just have easily had a Junior Seau-type ending.
  9. I'm going to tell you what I told a lot of people that lodged similar criticisms during the fund drive: I believe people being charitable for any cause is a good thing and one cause should ever be pitted against another. Also, many people that give to one person also open their hearts and wallets to others. To prove that point I clicked the link you provided and donated $50 to the family.
  10. I am truly happy to have represented the great posters of this board and to have had the best possible outcome - a happy, mending Darryl Talley reunited with the Buffalo Bills organization.
  11. Eichel scores at 3 on 3 scrimmage and puts the puck THROUGH the net. http://www.cbssports.com/nhl/eye-on-hockey/25239835/watch-sabres-top-pick-jack-eichel-shoots-puck-through-net
  12. Thanks, Joe. Just glad that I was able to play a small part in helping a great man get his life back together. Near the end of the fund drive I was told by a very credible media source that Kim Pegula would be reaching out to Darryl and offering him the Ambassadorship. She wanted to wait because she didn't want to step on the great gesture made by the thousands of fans that gave to the fund. That is the type of amazing ownership that we are blessed to have.
  13. Love and prayers for good health coming your way, Van. From one that borrowed your name as a show of honor and respect.
  14. "The noise the animals make while mating is often extremely startling – in fact, the sound of lovemaking tortoises was used to voice the Velociraptors in Jurassic Park." Who knew?
  15. Another nice piece on Eichel's upbringing. http://thehockeywriters.com/eichels-story-jacks-upbringing-makes-him-the-perfect-fit-for-buffalo/
  16. Interview sounded great. You acquitted yourself well. Nice job!
  17. Looking forward to tuning in. Knock it out of the park!
  18. So beautifully Canadian of you and right back 'atcha.
  19. Fair enough, Kelly. I'm not trying to roast the guy or anything, I just think he needs to tread carefully. The girl was probably drunk and swung feebly at the QB, but (in my younger days) I had my share of drunk women - some that professed to love me - who got in my face or pushed on me. I never had a problem walking away and diffusing the situation.
  20. The problem was when he said: "But they have to get some sort of consequence as well. Y'all can't keep letting females provoke guys in all ways then walk free." It implies that he thinks that it is okay to punch a woman in the face if she provokes you. It's not, it never is. The response is to walk away.
  21. Darby not helping his case to represent the Bills with class and dignity. http://www.wgrz.com/story/news/2015/07/07/bills-cornerback-under-fire-for-response-to-fsu-assault/29821723/
  22. This guy is the funniest comic you've probably never heard of.
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