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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. I think we'd all be happy if it was just a push.
  2. As much as I loved her in "Three's Company," she will forever be the beautiful star-crossed blonde in the white T-Bird in "American Graffiti."
  3. Best description I've read about Yellow Jackets was this: "They want your food and are willing to fight you for it." 😀
  4. Sign of the times…
  5. For those of you still searching for the perfect Halloween costume. 😀
  6. Stop it!
  7. One of my favorite movie quotes of all time: Sigourney Weaver: "I want you inside me." Bill Murray: "Sounds like there may be a few too many people inside you already."
  8. Pic my cousin took yesterday.
  9. To boldly go where no man has gone before.
  10. I understand fully. It is very much like how it was in the '90s watching the Bills K-Gun offense and then watching another game where the teams actually huddled.
  11. Still my favorite commercial ever, Dennis Hopper was a national treasure.
  12. This guy's issues go way beyond football. The last thing he should be thinking about right now is playing football. He appears on the brink of a full mental breakdown.
  13. Now this is sweet. Taylor Swift got to meet Andy Reid after yesterday’s Chiefs game. 😀
  14. His greatest moment in front of the camera since this all-time best interview:
  15. "Hey Josh, give us the Dr. J "Smooth" finger roll.
  16. Prediction Time - The Bills travel to the nation’s capital where they will attempt to make dust mops of the upstart Commanders. Our heroes are looking to stack wins the way the Three Stooges stacked laughs. Like a rocketship, seven points should come again and again from the arm of Josh Allen and the extra points of Tyler Bass. Why even Matty the Mod can see that the Commanders are in over their heads with the Bills and are in for a long day. The only real worry is that the weather outside could bring a storm that would make even the late Tom Jolls shudder. It says here that the Bills will turn the whole affair into a cartoon show with a convincing 27-17 victory. What’s your prediction?
  17. To make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe - Carl Sagan
  18. Nearly $6.5 million for Curt Kobain's MTV Unplugged guitar. Wow, that's amazig.
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