Yesterday marked the greatest moment of pain in Bills history, but just 24 hours later this fan base showed the team and the nation just what makes Buffalo the greatest community in the US of A.
25,000 fans showed up in the square, decked out in the red, white and blue colors of their Buffalo Bills. Scott Norwood hung back in the shadows, still smarting from missing the 47-yard field goal that would have won the Super Bowl. Without prompting, the crowd began chanting, "We want Scott." The chant grew and grew until everyone organizing the rally realized that the fans had come to give love and support to one man above all others.
Norwood took to the lectern and said, "I've never felt more loved than I do right now."
You've seen videos of fans looting, rioting and setting cars on fire after catastrophic losses. This past weekend, a *Pats fan called for the field goal kicker's family to be murdered in front of his eyes as punishment for a missed kick.
In our worst hour, the fan base of the Buffalo Bills responded by showing Scott Norwood just why the late Tim Russert called Western New York "God's Country."
Show this clip (Linked below) to your kids and grandkids because it proves that Bills fans truly are the greatest fans on Earth.