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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. I once brought a floor hockey game to a sudden stop after an especially foul flap of flatulence, but forcing a flight to land - that's epic.
  2. "First, youze wouldn't leave, now youze can't leave."
  3. In South Carolina people are often asked, "Tigers or Gamecocks?" I think we can safely assume she prefers the latter.
  4. After careful consideration I have decided to give up my New Year's resolutions for Lent this year.
  5. Was thinking the same thing, just bat it to the ground for crying out loud.
  6. Here's another cat that can make the acoustic guitar sing.
  7. Most of the responses have been for electric guitar solos, here's a little love for one of the greatest pickers off all-time blowing the lid off of an acoustic guitar. And here he is showing off his chops on the electric guitar. (The Benny Hill faces and dancing cartoon pigs are an added bonus).
  8. Patrick O'Hara 4 hrs Got some source on the inside ..... Possibly Jimmy G to Buffalo and Kirk Cousins to San Fran. Not %100 but Jimmy G was in Buffalo today with Beane. Possible news Kirk was in San Fran
  9. Here's the FB post: Patrick O'Hara 4 hrs Got some source on the inside ..... Possibly Jimmy G to Buffalo and Kirk Cousins to San Fran. Not %100 but Jimmy G was in Buffalo today with Beane. Possible news Kirk was in San Fran
  10. Well, the McDaniels flip flop certainly throws a yield sign on this whole discussion.
  11. Terrific actor, a great loss. Always thought he was the best part of Fraiser. RIP
  12. INteresting thread idea
  13. You have to take into account that the crowd in Buffalo is one of the most pro-military ones in all of the NFL. ( I know that's not what Kap was protesting, but many people made that the crux of their argument against him.) I was at the game that he played here and the crowd was brutal in its jingoistic response to him , he said it was the worst he had ever experienced. So, I guess what I am saying is that even if the Bills felt like he could upgrade them they would have a PR nightmare on their hands that would make the idea a no-starter.
  14. Agreed, but I think McDermott deserves the lion's share of the credit. He installed a philosophy and made commitment to the process his manta and his team bought in and overproduced. I can't wait to see what he accomplishes once he gets more chess pieces on the board.
  15. Nice to hear players singing Buffalo's praises for a change.
  16. How about a shout-out to local boy Jay Neubauer of That 80s Hair Band. Jay can shred with the best of them.
  17. The best sub in the world is the steak and cheese from Viola's in Niagara Falls. Thin sliced Ribeye steak, white American cheese, a crusty hard roll from the Portage bakery, topped with GEM oil, salt, pepper and oregano. Perfection. Oh, and tipping is not a city in China.
  18. I can't wait until this kid is in the Blue and Gold. He's going to be very special.
  19. I'll see you that and I'll raise you Robbie Robertson jumping in to save Eric Clapton after Slowhand's guitar strap gave way.
  20. This one by Mick Ronson is an all-time fav. It comes at the end of the song and is worth the wait. (The California Golden Seals jersey is an added bonus)
  21. I had no problem with the Tide pod, but getting the dryer sheet chaser down was a bit of a challenge.
  22. You can edit the title, just click the little "edit" button at the bottom of your post. Lose the apostrophe, gain some admirers.
  23. I'm in the Dominican Republic on vacation, spent the day snorkeling in the ocean with my fiancée. 88 degrees and sunny, will package some of it up and send it to those of you back in WNY.
  24. Check the archives, there are probably 100 threads on this subject over the years.
  25. One of the most beautiful women on the planet, try again.
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