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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. I thought it was a great interview and cements that the Bills are going to move heaven and earth to get in the top 5. Of course, it will spur 10 more Rosen or Mayfield threads.
  2. I collect two things that I have great passion for. The first is Buffalo sports teams pennants. I have many rare ones, including the pennants for the Buffalo Norsemen of the NAHL, Buffalo Wings of Professional Roller Hockey and (rarest of all) the Toronto/Buffalo Royals of World Team tennis (the team split it's home games between Buffalo and Toronto, hummm, wonder where Russ Brandon got that idea from?) The second is more rare, but I am two books away from having a complete Hardcover collection of all 43 of the Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators books. Sort of like the Hardy Boys, but way better. The later editions are very rare as they stopped making hardcover available to the general public and only created them for libraries. They often sell for $250 per book or more, but I have been patient and have found a few unaware sellers on Ebay and have scooped them up for far below market value.
  3. I don't mean to nitpick, but he was able to shoot about 100 bullets two inches behind Negan's every step. I get it that the big Rick/Negan showdown will come at season's end, I just thought that the whole scene was drama-free and rather pointless.
  4. Pretty vicious hit, hopefully Victor is going to be okay. On a positive note, the Sabres scored 3 goals on the ensuing 5-minute Major to put the game away. Jack hat 5 points, Reinhart had a hat trick and Mittlestadt notched his second point in as many games. Maybe the future is a bit brighter than it appears.
  5. Whether today is of great religious importance to you or simply a day to gather with family and friends and be thankful for each other's love and support, I wish you all a very happy and safe Easter Sunday.
  6. This should really be on OTW, but what a beautiful goal. Congrats, VGK.
  7. Only when you are dreaming that you are awake. Mine: I can shoot thunderbolts from my fingertips.
  8. Tyrod: I just got back from Lillydale. Tell your boy Andy that his charity is about to blow up on the last day of the season.
  9. With a name like that - God is going to throw him the ball.
  10. Let's see, husband beat to death in front of her with a barbed-wire baseball bat and she's left a widow in a post-apocalyptic world. Angry seems just about right to me. In the real world, she would still be numb after 10 years of intensive psychotherapy. Just caught up on the last three episodes. I'm hanging in there, but the Saviors storming Hillside with a group of archers against sub-machine guns was pretty ridiculous. And Rick spraying machine gun fire all over, but never hitting Negan once was very implausible, as well.
  11. The poison pill in the lease is the single greatest reason that Ralph should be revered forever in Buffalo. Without it, the Bills move and never return. Long live the memory of Ralph Wilson!
  12. In this one case only, Mead, I hope your dreams don't come true.
  13. Has to be Derrick Dockery. The fact that he was able to strong-arm the Bills into an $18 million signing-bonus is still mind-boggling.
  14. The Mrs and I watched it on your recommendation - fabulous. So many plot twists and what a wicked spin at the end. Thanks. ?
  15. Moral of the story: If your Instagram pics are too racy, its Shalom.
  16. I have a hard time taking seriously the opinions of so-called experts that constantly talk about the decision as if it will be made by the head coach. McDermott may cook the meal, but make no mistake, Beane is shopping for the ingredients.
  17. Here are a couple good ones that I have seen I've seen: My name is Pete but I'm going to arm wrestler God to see for whose sake it really is. My name is Wayne, but it's really your world I'm just living in it.
  18. With the 26th selection of the 2018 NFL Draft the Atlanta Falcons proudly select Taven Bryan DT, Florida.
  19. A cousin of mine went with, My name is Eve, but I don't know you from Adam.
  20. You may be the only one who gets the concept. :-)
  21. Here's how the game is played: You make a contradictory statement that plays off of your real first name, such as: My name is Jenny, but I'm not from the block or My name is Will, but I won't. or My name is Sam, but it's not my club. I'll start it off: My name is Frank, but I'm often evasive. (Keep it going)
  22. I'll take the Falcons
  23. Because the OP is relatively new to the board maybe it can serve as a community service to clarify that a title like this one would suggest that the post would contain a link to a reputable source claiming that the Bills are actually considering a trade down. This post would be much better titled: "Why I think the Bills may trade down."
  24. You forgot that the consensus was to select Ngata over Whitner.
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