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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. Here's the line-up for the Niagara Falls show: http://nfcomiccon.com/celebrityguests/
  2. Yeah, it is a number that deserves more support. Four great players (plus John Fina is a good friend of mine).
  3. You have a lot of company in your choices.
  4. I thought that number would get a bit more support as well.
  5. I know people are talking Rochester for him next season, but man, we haven't had a shot from the point like that since John Van Boxmeer retired.
  6. In 10 years #17 might be at the top of the list.
  7. I thought about #32, but didn't want the conversation to devolve into the normal "should OJ be on the wall" talk that has derailed many a thread in the past. You can vote for more than one number and the Juice can be recognized in the "other" column.
  8. **Edit** I made it a poll with a listing of the Top numbers in team history. You may vote for more than one number. Make your case for the greatest number in Bills history by listing the number and the players that wore it with distinction. The Top 5 will be the initial inductees into our Buffalo Bills Number Wall of Fame. For instance: Number 12 seems like a no-brainer, being worn by Jim Kelly, James Harris, Joe Ferguson and Daryle Lamonica. (Al Dorow and Manch Wheeler do put a bit of stink on the rose, though). Some may vote for a number just because one HOF player wore it, while others may make a case for a number that had a bevy of long-term serviceable wearers. It's your decision and we look forward to your nominations. Letting the vetting process begin...
  9. I posted this in another music video thread a few years ago: weird because of the people popping up out of suitcases, but all 3 women in the video are beautiful in different ways.
  10. RIP Margot
  11. He's a state high jump champion, too. http://www.syracuse.com/orangebasketball/index.ssf/2018/05/syracuse_commit_robert_braswell_on_why_he_picked_the_orange_i_liked_the_family_a.html
  12. Probably too soon, Tom, but a great Ground Chuck reference all the same.
  13. A class act. RIP Coach Knox
  14. Awesome! Love to see such a great sense of humor and comradery.
  15. I agree with your assessment. This team has enough talent to compete and the future should be now. As an aside, your neck tattoo and drunken donut nicknames are brilliant and always make me chuckle.
  16. We've been watching. The multiple time lines are confusing, for sure. Interested to see how the animals ultimately figure in.
  17. Can't wait to see this kid in the blue and gold. https://www.blueshirtbanter.com/2018/5/7/17266524/blueshirt-banter-2018-nhl-draft-rankings-1-rasmus-dahlin-buffalo-sabres
  18. Mods please lock this thread. New poster on probation posts a thread with a misleading title making a wild speculation that is stated as fact with no corroborating evidence seems to be the new norm here. Man is it getting tiresome.
  19. Just finished it off. Pretty big twist at the end. Definitely in for Season Two.
  20. Agree with most of what you say, just a caution to remember that both of these guys are really young and probably won't be all-pros just yet.
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