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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. A few years old, but a great routine from the Stevie Johnson era.
  2. I saw it on Saturday and liked it a lot. Nice character development and lots of good humor.
  3. Everyone said that the Tavares domino was the one that had to fall before the ROR deal got done. Might happen soon now.
  4. https://buffalonews.com/2018/06/30/mittelstadts-team-claims-3-on-3-title-to-wrap-sabres-development-camp/
  5. In my best Austin Powers voice, "That's Martin Short, Baby!"
  6. Rasmus, Bert and an adoring Buffalo. https://www.nhl.com/sabres/video/rasmus-dahlin-tours-buffalo/c-60698003
  7. I have to admit that I was a little nervous that Buffalo might "Sabre" it up and pick someone other than Dahlin. Whew!
  8. Dave and Adam's always has a great selection at reasonable prices.
  9. Some Sabres first round draft ranking to get you ready for tonight's Dahlin-fest. https://buffalonews.com/2018/06/20/from-booms-to-busts-sabres-first-round-history/?utm_campaign=puma&utm_medium=social&utm_source=Facebook
  10. I remember that day, boy was it cloudy. How it didn't rain I'll never know.
  11. He single-handedly angered the Hogs on the Washington Redskins to such a state that they ripped us apart in the Super Bowl. He should be black-listed here forever. Biggest buffoon in Buffalo sports history.
  12. The boys buried the hatchet in the classiest of ways with Neil wearing a Skynard tee-shirt and Ronnie Van Zandt responding with one of Neil's concert T's.
  13. Iirc, Fasching was originally acquired in a trade for Braydon McNabb. Now he is dealt for another defenseman, meaning, in essence, the Sabres swapped McNabb for Hickey. Will be interesting to compare their careers a few years down the road.
  14. If the idea is to wait and see if they win versus the Ravens, that would give them 6 days to print the buttons and order the foam fingers and reach out to the players from the 1980 team and arrange airfare and hotel accommodations to get all of them here. Game day, no one under 50 will have a clue as to what's happening and will spend the game asking, "What the hell happened to the Shout song?" Sounds like a marketing department logistical nightmare, so count me in. ?
  15. His piece on Darryl Talley started a movement. He was instrumental in getting me in touch with the Talleys and we had a couple of nice heart-to-heart talks about how a simple column could bring real change. On a very personal note, I am sad to see him go and wish him well always.
  16. I would drive past two HDs to get to a Valu. Incredible service and always an employee waiting to help you find what you need.
  17. The OP simply asked if Ivory was at OTAs and we get two pages of commentary on how it was a bad signing and how the stench of Mike Tolbert lingers like that of a dead skunk on the I-90. Reading comprehension is a lost art. So to the OP I say, "I have no idea and that the responses to your query haven't shed any light on the situation, whatsoever."
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