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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. His legendary calls of late have been no less iconic. How about this gem after a recent Eichel goal after the Sabres captain showed off some precision moves on the play: "Coming soon to a theater near you, 'Sick Mitts' starring Jack Eichel." He is as much a part of the Sabres experience as is the crossed swords logo. Praying for a quick return to health for our beloved Mr. Jeanneret.
  2. My ex is an alcoholic and it destroyed her life and ruined our marriage. I don't want to be flippant, but many and most of the scenarios offered in this thread point to a severe problem with alcohol. Most alcoholics, her included, look at the list of signs that one might have a problem with alcohol and point to one that doesn't depict themselves and say, "See, I'm not an alcoholic." Seriously, if you have ever wondered if you drink too much or someone has told you that you do, seek help and do it now. There is no happy ending if you don't and you will hurt many people that love you.
  3. Here are the top 3 people that have my autograph (no kidding): Jim Kelly Dave Thomas from Rocketship 7 The late Tim Russert
  4. How about four that were largely ignored at SNL, then became huge stars: Robert Downey, Jr Julia Louis-Dreyfus Ben Stiller Chris Rock (Sarah Silverman as a bonus fifth member) Btw, I don't think many of you have watched SNL in decades. All good answers above, but Keenan Thompson has been on for 16 years and carries the show most weeks with his stellar array of impersonations and recurring characters. He deserves to be in the top 4 all-time.
  5. Wonderful post, but what in the name of H-E double hockey sticks is going on with your font?
  6. Talk about late to the party, people on this board have been threatening to kill him for years.
  7. Hey 26, you're off by a few hours, or six, on the start time for the Kings game. Btw, thanks for all of the updates and info, your stellar work is always appreciated.
  8. Hauska has not been the same kicker since Darr became his holder. Resign Schmidt now.
  9. Some of the best trick plays in history and, thankfully, Homerun Throwback isn't one of them.
  10. Always surprised to see how few fans wore Bills gear to,the games in that era. A hat or coat here and there, but jerseys almost never.
  11. There's a bit of insight here: https://buffalonews.com/2018/12/07/in-surprise-beauts-fires-coach-ric-seiling-assistant-craig-muni/
  12. Favorite Worst Christmas song ever
  13. Robert Blake looks good for his age. Who knew he was a Bucs fan, though?
  14. Reminds me of an old joke. An elderly couple is sitting in church when the lady pulls on her husband's arm and says, "George I just let out a long silent fart what should I do?" George looks her dead in the eye and says, "Put new batteries in your hearing aid, Bernice."
  15. Maybe the most important medical breakthrough of the past 50 years. Detecting all cancers in under 10 minutes with a simple, inexpensive blood test? Wow, millions of lives will be spared and we are a giant leap closer to a cure. https://www.foxnews.com/health/blood-test-can-detect-cancer-in-10-minutes-researchers-claim
  16. I think I am going to get into an argument with that woman while she's cooking chicken wings at the fryer. What could go wrong?
  17. Knickers is available and looks like he could leading a pulling block for sure.
  18. Let's play caption the photo: Police say that they think the suspects had at least 50 more pills, but have no idea where they hid them or Geddy Lee, now going by the name peaches, was arrested with his boyfriend and accused of possessing narcotics intended for sale.
  19. Bills Fins tee it up Are they playing just for pride? No, I'm just JOSHing
  20. Great win by UB. Got buffalo sports back on track this weekend.
  21. Another factor that might be in play is the high tax rate in Canada. I work there and I am taxed at 46%. I think NHL players would be at 53.53%. That's a big hunk of money they leave on the table.
  22. I'm with you, I never heard it until the past week. Seems very trendy and one that will age quickly.
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