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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=newssearch&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjD0-L35e7gAhWkVt8KHfs8D3wQzPwBegQIARAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fthespun.com%2Fmore%2Ftop-stories%2Fnfl-insider-reveals-what-the-cleveland-browns-rumor-is&psig=AOvVaw3xBm9p1CADIUQTQ8NiiEbu&ust=1552005706298741
  2. Very sad to hear. I believe that he and the late Art Fleming are the only two people to ever host Jeopardy! Sending love and good thoughts his way.
  3. Reminds me of an old joke: How many men does it take to satisfy an Amish woman? Three Mennonite.
  4. Yeah, you could see that joke during the news segment coming a mile away.
  5. Able to see everything in tomorrow's newspaper 24-hrs in advance except for sports scores and Lotto numbers.
  6. You mean like while the Beatles were writing masterpieces taking on issues like civil unrest (Revolution), depression and isolation (Eleanor Rigby) and racism and the rise of the black pride movement (Blackbird), the Stones we’re cranking out such pablum-puking drivel like “Fool to Cry,” “Indian Girl,” and “Sing This Song Together?” Then I wholeheartedly agree with you. ?
  7. Career officially over? https://www.cfl.ca/2019/02/27/alouettes-release-johnny-manziel/
  8. I can't believe you a actually saw it. Btw, they are all one episode and canceled shows. In fact, Turn-On, which was developed as a sexier and more political Laugh-In, was pulled off the air after the first commercial by the ABC affiliate in Cleveland.
  9. Turn-On Secret Talents of the Stars Breaking Boston Dot Comedy Co-Ed Fever Quarterlife Heil Honey I’m Home I guarantee that the any of these series will hold your attention throughout their entire run.
  10. Wow. What a surprise. Great win.
  11. http://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/25980368/how-former-ref-tim-donaghy-conspired-fix-nba-games
  12. I see that LB AJ Tarpley is attempting a comeback in the AAF. Does anyone know if the Bills still retain his NFL rights seeing as how he retired from their active roster due to concerns over repeated concussions?
  13. The worm is turning. https://www.wivb.com/news/national/brothers-say-jussie-smollett-paid-them-to-participate-in-alleged-attack-source-says/1788608654?fbclid=IwAR23MwnbrFp-Sm0lU3mjFcihQT_2bp9ABtpbBXsXhWXM1tX-FozDB_x25hQ
  14. Iirc, Todd Collins took over for Kelly.
  15. The phrase is actually champing at the bit. Chomping has only become acceptable because so many people use it incorrectly. Kind of like butt naked, instead of the proper buck naked.
  16. Evidently, the writer and I have differing opinions on the meaning of the phrase “bared all.”
  17. How did this turn into a Stones thread? The Stones are wonderful for what they are, but they aren’t even close to being in a league with the greatest band of all time. Don’t believe me? Ask John. *NSFW* - Language
  18. I’m 54, so just missed out on the AFL championship teams. I’ll offer up two games that deserve consideration, though. The greatest comeback game against the Oilers and the no-punt game against the 49ers.
  19. An important two points, but why must they always make us sweat it out? Btw, I’m in Japan and it’s pretty cool having games start at 9 AM. Breakfast with the Sabres is a phrase I never thought I’d utter.
  20. Housley blows up all 4 lines, all 3 defensive pairings and both pp units in effort to spark the Sabres. https://buffalonews.com/2019/02/04/buffalo-sabres-jack-eichel-jeff-skinner-sam-reinhart-rasmus-dahlin-change-four-lines-top-three-defensive-pairings-both-power-play-units-2560441/?fbclid=IwAR0oZrltELo6E_eYBlI3MIC9Lhy2zFAId6Ed7gKYidkw4alsmazPRBcikHc
  21. Postmodern Jukebox featuring the incomparable Morgan James. And to think that this song once belonged to Aerosmith.
  22. Thank God those ping pong balls went our way for a change. Dahlin will be considered one of the best ever when he hangs them up at the end of his career.
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