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Everything posted by Manther

  1. Agreed, I would suggest having them both back.
  2. Agreed I disagree with you priorities and apparently Beane does too.
  3. Some thoughts… 1. Not all draft picks make the 53 2. Injuries happen 3. Vets can get beat out 4. Some players excel and make the 53
  4. Agreed. I like and appreciate the OP’s comments, effort and thoughts. I would add I think Beane will still resign many of our pending FA’s. I don’t think many FAs are coming in from other organizations as we move forward.
  5. 24? What year did he graduate High School and why? Am I missing something?
  6. If it is only $30 million guaranteed it sounds like a one two year contract and easy to get out of. Keep a very LT for two years with a rookie QB. Good idea. I look forward to seeing the contract structure.
  7. That part bothered me. I think Cole Beasley has little man's syndrome AND other major malfunctions. He's got some problems. Why does he do the things he does for no other reason to seemingly annoy people and stand up for his beliefs aggressively when they aren't important and do not move his causes forward. He all messed up!
  8. Par is the suggested and desired score on each individual golfing hole on an 18 hole golf course. Birdies are good!
  9. He is the guy or a huge swing and miss. Unfortunately, I think we swung and missed and the Bills know it.
  10. Take a 7th or give a 7th and call it a day. He can play (sort of), but, we need his cap allocation at a different position. Any other position.
  11. Interesting Bears move. Interesting Panthers move. Very interesting cap hit on a one year deal. Everything seems a little off.
  12. I think they will let him walk. They are cheap. Trade him after this year?
  13. I would think trying to keep that trio together along with their ownership is cheap and does not have the cash to push contracts out.
  14. Good call, Zeke did make sure he got paid for the pounding he was taking.
  15. True. But, to Zeke's defense the Cowboys ran him very, very hard.
  16. Seriously, what is wrong with Aaron Rodgers?! So much! Stay away as he has problems. He all messed up!
  17. So, you and Jerry have that going for you, which is nice! Cool shared info, thanks for the update. Some thoughts..... 1. Wowsers, what a boat 2. Jerry has done ultra well 3. Money can't buy championships as Jerry has tried 4. Some hate on Jerry for being the GM, but, IF I had the money and an NFL team I would absolutely do it too! Go Bills!
  18. Hmmm, I don't hate it. I could live with it. Wagner or David is where it starts for me. Then the other dominoes fall. I think we need MLB, Olinemen and WR. Safety can be an after thought. RB, not sure on what is needed. I think the Oline needs to be better and the RBs will be better. Williams I am okay with. IF we swung for the fences and got Henry I could get behind it. I think today is a big day to see which direction we go and I am very excited and hope Beane gets it right! I think he will. He sure has free'd up the monies. I am VERY surprised on Diggs and thusly think something big is coming! Go Bills! Agreed
  19. I would love these two moves! I think the only reason we have not extended DaQuan is because Daquan has not wanted to be extended at what the Bills are offering. He clearly is our best DT and at a bargain for his production or at least market value. I think we WILL see an extension in the coming days. Oliver serves no purpose on our DL rotation at that price. I would love to reallocate his money/cap to another position. What happens if Oliver has a monster year in 2023? IMO he hits free agency and leaves. We can't afford to resign him. And, I don't think he will have a monster year. I really don't see a benefit in keeping Oliver. Trade him for a 7th and free up the cap space. If you can get more than a 7th, have at it.
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