It was the Jermaine Kearse remark that caught my attention the most, not the PED stuff. I am sure all NFL locker rooms have offenders. After baseball, cycling, Olympics, etc., it is pretty clear that it runs deep and rampant in sports.
Jermaine Kearse was a stud at the University of Washington. Syracuse fans may remember the 179 yards and 3 TDs he had against them in 2010. I was shocked he was not drafted. It was the silly drops that cost him. The eye surgery has done wonders for him. If I ran an NFL organization, I'd have an eye specialist be apart of the scouting staff.
As for Seahawks 24/7, it was designed to dissuade players from getting season ending injuries in Pioneer Square bar fights, DUIs, drug suspensions, and breaking into doughnut shops in the middle of the night. Another Pete Carroll mantra is competition. If you are hungover at practice or missing time for a drug suspension, you will likely lose your spot to someone more hungry. I wouldn't be surprised the adderall issues stem from the grueling film sessions Russell Wilson and Earl Thomas put them through.