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Rochesterian Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Rochesterian Bills Fan

  1. Test results from Tenn should be announced soon. Fingers crossed...
  2. I mean Titans could win this game but I am over that, I am more worried about the team getting the virus.
  3. Even if this game goes ahead I have a horrible feeling about it.
  4. I would not be surprised if most of the Bills injury report is some weird counter trolling at this point.
  5. They did a full walkthrough yesterday. If this was a coach I am guessing they would be there unless they were self isolating at home in which case this is a non-issue because yesterday was the first (authorized) gathering of the Titans org in weeks. So they were definitely there and probably shedding virus somewhere in the facility.
  6. Yeah but waiting can also lead to accusations of tipping the scales if that 2-0 W proves pivotal to Buffalo. If forfeiture is an option the league can't delay weeks to use it to avoid the appearance of being biased one way or another.
  7. Maybe not cancelled, I don't trust this greedy league. But that said the fact it is an unknown case means its almost back to square one to Tenn. If that is the approach they may have to cancel or forfeit this game.
  8. If the Bills forfeit so be it. I'd rather they lose 2-0 than risk a possible deep playoff run because we get COVID like the Titans and can't shake it.
  9. OK so assuming the Titans don't get another positive and the game is still going ahead on Tuesday (admittedly two big ass assumptions right now) can the Titans practice Monday?
  10. Nah that ain't it. They could have just said postpone to an undetermined date to be announced later today or tomorrow. They genuinely not give any ***** and want this game to go ahead despite all logic and reason that it should not.
  11. Not you but the league. I understood this could happen but I didn't think the league was bald face lying about having plans in place.
  12. I don't know how you mess this up so bad. The league had their championship game just before the virus hit the US in force and they got to see how dozens of other sporting bodies across the world returned to play. There should be at least be a flow chart about how to deal with this. But naaah, this game will be played. I really don't care if the Bills lose anymore, I will take getting the ***** out of Nashville without the team contracting the virus as a huge win.
  13. You silly man, you assume the NFL cares about such trifling matters. THIS GAME WILL BE PLAYED!
  14. That is by definition only one practice session
  15. OK so they need to shut down their facilities and test everyone again. Do the Titans have time to get practice in Monday?
  16. Yup it will not shock me when the league still pushes for this game to go ahead even though it is a terrible, terrible idea.
  17. They just did a walkthrough yesterday, I would imagine most if not all of the coaching staff would have been there. Unless he/she was continuing to self isolate at home the whole team has been possibly exposed again.
  18. This game is cursed! Buffalo should never again play the Titans on Week 5.
  19. Sure about? Activating a bunch of players day of and putting them in the game without any practice is a bad idea when they are so far removed their last practice/game. The Titans are pushing to get as many people cleared as possible to practice Monday but not sure who they will get back
  20. Well no. They got practice in for the guys who returned to the facility today, everyone else that wasnt activated off of the COVID list is still ice cold without any reps.
  21. Also even if he can return how smart is it to throw a bunch of players in who haven't played in weeks and have zero practice? I'd imagine most of the will still sit even if they could play because they aren't game ready, can't risk it.
  22. I seriously doubt that would happen. He made his choice at the start of the season.
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