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Everything posted by Codyny13

  1. They better not get in my face, cuz I’ll drop that mother f*****!
  2. This game reminded me a ton of the Bills-Chiefs game. The defense bent so many times but when you looked at the scoreboard, the points weren’t there. It’s a little confusing, but the team seems to find a way to not break, and make sure we have a chance at the end. We need a f****** pass rush though. Luckily, I think the Colts have the best o-line we’ll see, but damn, the Bills better come up with something this week.
  3. And then they did it again to the Bucs last night. Clear fumble from Heinike and a clear recovery from the Bucs...and the Bucs had to call a timeout to get the review to buzz in. Just complete bafoonery from the officiating crews and NY yesterday.
  4. Literally what I was thinking as I was reading his post. Idk if he’s thinking out loud and trying to convince himself of the latter, but what the hell. I don’t care how we win any game in the playoffs, all AFC teams have at least 11 wins. That’s crazy, and idk if that’s ever happened before. Nobody snuck in, and all the teams are good and battle tested. Win the game, learn from the mistakes, and keep stacking.
  5. Let’s go. We left a lot of meat on the bone today. Def some things to fix, but it’s on to the next one.
  6. 100% agreed. I just find humor when us fans state things as if the coaching staff has no clue or incompetent to such things.
  7. The coach always does what he thinks gives his team the best chance to win (unless your Doug Pedersen). McD has earned our trust as fans, we just have to roll with whatever decision that is.
  8. Lol @ all the “he should do this, they shouldn’t play him if that.” This is professional football with professional coaches. If Beasley is healthy enough to play, he will play, that is all. No resting him for next week, he haven’t won a f****** thing. You play your best players now.
  9. Lol at “I think Diggs plays.” Of course he plays, he’s a little dinged up, it’s the playoffs, you rest the dude. He’s fine. Beasley is the only wild card in this WR situation.
  10. Topics have really gone awry wrong of late. By late I mean awhile.
  11. That’s my normal row and section. 😔
  12. If the team didn’t make any WR moves after having John Brown out for a month + with injuries and Covid, have an injury to Beasley, and lose Kumerow on the wire, that would be incredibly short sighted. We’re expecting a long playoff run, being able to bring in a guy the caliber of Kenny Stills at this point is an awesome backup plan.
  13. Lemme take a look.
  14. The talent is there...he flashes, but hasn’t put it all together. The news that many teams called about him at the trade deadline shows that the rest of the league knows he has the talent. I’m still excited about him.
  15. Sold out at 1:50, my spot was 2:30, but I’m reading that only 13k people opted in this season so I’m feeling pretty good about the next game. It’s def a low key way of keeping us out of the area season ticket holders from traveling for the game. By putting stupid restrictions on like testing there, it makes it difficult, and thus keeping the tickets local.
  16. Wow...that means I’m screwed lol. I have 2:30 on Friday and I’ve had tix since 2013. Figured somebody w tix as long as u have would be on Thursday.
  17. Modern day speedball lol. Isn’t the monotone how they do it on SNL though?
  18. Bronx NY. Family are all die hard Giant fans, have 0 ties to western NY, although that’s changed now (1 cousin who’s a Buffalo cop, the other for nat’l grid.). People always ask how did I become a fan, and I can’t really answer, I was too young to remember. I do remember my mother calling me buffalo bill Cody, and a neighbor friend of mine Jesse...jesse James. My only thought was that I thought the team was named after me? The other was just being a punk child rooting against my family’s team in the super bowl, which is my first football memory. I was 5 and I still remember the look on my parents face when I was rooting for the Bills lol. Fast forward and now my family always supports the Bills, at least when they’re not playing the G-men. Now that I’m thinking about this is should really change my post name to BuffaloBillCody.
  19. This sounds amazing...are you able to see the games regularly?
  20. He’s not a heavy center, he’s always been a move guy, with the ability to get into space. If he’s healthy I still want him as my C1.
  21. Has Morse been playing bad? This isn’t an argumentative question, I havent paid much attention to the center position.
  22. I believe he’s recovered from his ankle/knee injuries, but not in game shape and no need to rush him back to play in Denver when he has the sickle cell trait. The altitude may really affect him, especially with the time off. I imagine hell Play against NE. Agreed, a trap game? The division is on the line for the first time in 25 years, and we’re gonna look past them toward the 6-7 going nowhere Patriots?
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