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Bills Fan of St Augustine

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Posts posted by Bills Fan of St Augustine


    i think I was one of the 4-12ers. I was wrong, but not because I was overly or unjustly negative. Rather a realistic assessment of the talent on the team and the amount of change during the off season. Trading away the cream of the the team on both sides of the ball. Not upgrading the OL. Huge change over in the secondary, although they changed the defense to match the talent they brought in.  What I didn't count on was the "process". The players really came together as a team and played hard for their coaches and for each other. This intangible was impossible to predict. For what it's worth, at least I wasn't part of the "Tank" crowd. Happily eating crow for New Year's!

  2. I have been very critical of Wood for quite a while, since he and Levitre were brought in together. They both were manhandled by bigger stronger DTs which are what we've played against in the AFC East for a decade. For that reason, I was fine with letting Levitre go in FA. Recently, I started asking myself why I am so negative about Wood. I've concluded that as a LG in HS, I was always over matched playing at 185lbs and against guys 250 - 280. I couldn't move guys either but relied on quickness and leverage (low guys wins) to often fight to a stand still. When I got beat, usually from a bull rush, I would cut their legs out and jump up looking for them or another guy asap. I would never get pushed back into the QB! Cutting the legs in the NFL seems to be taboo unless you are a Patriot or Bronco OL. I wonder why that is? It can be very effective and slows down the rush on the next play. Anyway, I need to give the guy some slack and seeing him push cars after a game swings me over to keeping him around. I guess we need another center so Groy can play too but I find it unlikely they both get hurt on the same play. I like Glenn if he is healthy after the off season. Miller is a mystery but could rebound. Ducasse and Mills are awful and I fear RI is heading for the cliff.  I'd like to see two OL either in rounds 1-3 or a FA and one drafted.  Line play is critical to success at any level of football. 1st pick QB. No trade up, use our pick at 15-18 to take the best QB on the board. I think there will still be a top 5 QB and that the first 5 are all potentially franchise worthy. Time will tell!

  3. 20 hours ago, muppy said:

    CANCEL MY SUBSCRIPTION...(if I had one it would be so cancelled after that mess of an article)..I never knew Newsweek was a troll mag but now I know better

    wow your post is more sad than the going rate for tickets pal, if I were u Id troll another fan base you cannot be serious that Bills fans dont "back their team" absolute Rubbish. we've been backing them since the 60's and the last 17 years with zippo playoffs.....Id say we're pratty danged loyal just sayin'.....

    LOL! I've been a fan of the team since the 60s and suffered through far worse times than this year  (like the entire 1970s). Tickets to NFL games should not be had for $5. We like to pride ourselves in being hearty fans both during inclement weather and when we are having a down season. Yet today's fan base would rather sit home or when they do go to games, sit on their hands. Still alive for playoffs and the stadium may not be half full? Hated Dolphins coming to town and tix are $15. Yeah pal, I'm just sayin...

  4. 11 hours ago, 4_kidd_4 said:


    You coming in for the game?


    Been “supporting” for 15 years of season tix. Been to so many pointless november and december games. I do not blame a single soul who wants to sit this one out.


    So many posts in this thread have covered my exact sentiments.


    Especially the one that touched on the “romance” of hanging in there and supporting the Ralph Bills to keep

    them here. I’ve done my part and I no longer feel that sense of “duty” to support a multi-billionaire who is botching BOTH franchises in this town. Yes, thanks for ‘saving’ our teams, but I do not have that same loyalty to the Pegulas.


    The TP Bills feel like a bad sequel to me. I will admit, I’m a throwback kinda guy. I loved Ralph’s AFL legacy, I loved that he was a thorn in the side of the big boys for so long. I loved that he kept that old-school mentality. Was he the greatest owner? Probably not. But he was certainly one of the most genuine, and I can appreciate that.


    I thought I’d hang in with season tickets until we get a new building, but as I get a bit older my time becomes more valuable than sitting in the cold all day for a soulless team. 


    As some others touched on, on top of not being very good,this squad is flat and boring. The vibe at the stadium completely reflected that at the Pats game. One of the most apathetic crowds I’ve ever experienced, and it made me realize how worn down a lot of this fanbase really is. Going through the motions. Again.


    I’ll still attend games in the

    future , but I’m done with season tickets. It’s been a fun run, but I’m ready to let it go. Breaks my heart a bit, I haven’t been on my couch for a home kickoff in over a decade.



    No, not coming in again. I flew in for two games (Jets and Raiders) Kelley club and being out of work, that's my limit. I'll be back next year. If I lived in WNY and could get a ticket for $5 you bet I would go to the game. The pre-game is worth the price of admission alone! Not sure you can blame Pegs, they hired respectable people but have suffered sour results along with the rest of us. Are you insinuating he (they) are a Cleveland ownership scenario? I think not..

  5. 1 hour ago, C.Biscuit97 said:

    We're 6-6 in one of the worst playoff races in recent years.  He single handedly cost as a game with the Peterman decision.  


    Like i said, I'm fine with him as coach.  I hate how much power he has and think it will cost us long term as it did this year. 

    Naw - he did not single handedly cost us the SD game. It wasn't even Peterman alone.  TT would have been killed by SD as their D simply destroyed our right side OL. TT may have scrambled some and likely wouldn't have thrown as many picks, but even a Joe Montana/Tom Brady clone would have lost that game too.

  6. 2 hours ago, K-9 said:

    Compared to the last two classes, yeah, I don't think it's as strong and those two classes had a ton of question marks as it was. I think Rosen is the only legit top 10 prospect at the moment. That said, if the Browns are convinced that a QB is worth it, and they feel they have the right environment for a rookie QB to come into, then they should go ahead and get their guy and be done with it. I just think there are far better prospects at other positions vs. the QB crop. 


    You're spot on with regard to the idea that all prospects have warts. I think Cleveland would be better served by continuing to collect blue chip talent at the top of the draft in favor of better prospects at other positions without the those question marks. Screwing the pooch on a QB is different than screwing the pooch on any other position it seems. I don't think that's fair, but it's held to a different level of scrutiny. 

    I disagree - the QB class this year is at least as good as last year. I think better and with more depth.  We should get our franchise guy unless we win out. So we get our franchise guy.

  7. Guy was trying to be funny and aped for a pic. He was touching a flack jacket not reaching under her camisole. Poor taste to be sure, but hardly worthy of the attention it has drawn. Trump was trying to be funny on Howard Stern catering to the Stern mentally juvenile audience.  The guys like Harvey (our own Buffalo guy) and Bill Clinton and Moore and Conyers who took advantage of their positions of power to abuse women are better targets for the current frenzy of vitriol. There is a certain level of sanctimonious BS here too. Men have been doing this for years, this is nothing new. The "casting couch" has been around for a very long time and there are many women and probably a few men who were quite willing to "sleep their way to the top". Happens in corporations too. This isn't always daddy's little girl who was taken advantage of by the guy in power.  It has been an accepted part of our culture for a long time. Men are usually expected to be the aggressor and "hit on" the women. Often, they like it. Where and when and in what context is the issue. I am happy this is getting called out, but there is another equally repugnant side that needs to be discussed as well. 

  8. I can't believe anyone is saying, thinking or believing our OL is pretty good. We have one maybe two serviceable OLman. Mills and our RG whether it is Vlad or Miller are beyond bad. Wood is bottom half at C. I like RI but he's not played as well this year. Dawkins seems to be the real deal and Glenn has been good in the past, but must really be hurting to miss so much time. So draft one of the top 4-5 QBs in this draft and pray they live through the evolution of the OL. What happened to Peterman in SD was a travesty. His mistake was trying to make something happen with zero chance of success.  After we get the QB, go heavy on OL and DL please!

  9. 3 minutes ago, Commonsense said:

    The Lawson/Hughes combination isn't going to accomplish what McD wants. Hughes isn't good enough to be the sole passing rushing threat and Shaq offers very little in that department.  


    Atleast one of them is gone this offseason.

    Maybe the guy who leads the league in stupid ass penalties? I'd give Shaq another year and see what happens.He has been stout against the run considering how young he is. Some push up the middle would be nice from somebody. 

  10. 6 hours ago, Buffalo30 said:

    Well, the options have to be there too.  That was the entire point of the post.  If the top QBs go ahead of us even if we try to trade up...what do we do?  I said try to trade down and restock your picks for next year to give yourself the same position we had this year.  We could fill in the holes and go into next year with only QB on our mind.  Who knows if Allen or Darnold even come out.  Do we really just want to take a QB just to take one in the draft instead of grabbing the guy you love?  I think Tyrod is gone and they will be looking for another veteran to take his place until we draft our guy at QB.  If we don't get our guy, I could see this regime passing and not settling for a 5th QB in the class.  If they get the lucky chance to trade up for Darnold or Rosen, hallelujah.  If not...this may be the best option

    I have to believe they are coming out. If they do, there are 5-6 guys who can go in the 1st round. I'd be happy using one pick on any of them. I don't know enough about any of them to justify giving away the farm to move into the top 3 in the draft.  Hopefully the scouts have a clue.

  11. 2 minutes ago, dollars 2 donuts said:



    IF we do what you suggest, BFM, some early mock draft (a couple of weeks ago, can't remember which) had us taking that DLineman from Ohio State, I believe at 18.  Again, I stress if we don't move up, I would be fine with a QB (pick 12-15?) /DL first round.


    Still, my druthers would still be to end up with one of those picks in the top 10.  I know some here (including me) have talked about tank mode in the first round, but I have no problems with KC finishing 6-10!

    I just think we need too much at other positions to spend picks to move up. People are arguing whether Darnold, Rosen, Jackson, Allen or other are the top QBs. I'd be fine with any of them but prefer Darnold and Allen. There is still good talent to be had when we pick again. No need to move up. I think Giants take Rosen. We'll see.

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  12. I definitely think we use one of our 1st round picks on the best QB available. I think we have our pick of either the third or fourth QB picked in this draft depending whether we lose out or not. I say use it and pick the best available. Hopefully, Darnold or Allen is still there. If they are gone then maybe pass and take a DL and then QB with the KC pick. After that it has to be OL and LB.

  13. 2 minutes ago, PetermanThrew5Picks said:

    Evaluate Deonte Thompson and Holmes? AGAIN I'm not talking about just Tyrod lol, they routinely just make bad drops.. and that's just what we see on broadcast.


    Everybody is right in this one.  Our QBs suck as do the WRs we are playing due to injury. Holmes and Thompson shouldn't be on an NFL roster. But we are close to being an elite team.  All we need to do is draft 3 OL, 2 DL, 2 LBs, one speed receiver, a franchise QB, and a partridge in a pear tree. We're only half a team away!

  14. If the season finishes as you suggest, which franchise QB is left on the board at pick 20+? I don't think there will be one and trading up will take a lot of picks unless the Chefs continue to slide. Certainly both 1st rounders this year plus how many others picks?  Best case for a QB is that both the Chefs and Bills lose out. We could then use both picks to move up for THE GUY provided of course we have a dance partner near the top of the draft.

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