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Bills Fan of St Augustine

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Posts posted by Bills Fan of St Augustine

  1. 4 hours ago, Buffalo Ballin said:

    I hated this pick, but it's cool with me now. I'm a Lamar Jackson, Josh Rosen, and Baker Mayfield guy even though we had absolutely no shot at Mayfield. Josh Allen is a Buffalo Bill now. His white racist butt better be able to play QB in this league. He didn't do much in college and Beane trading picks away for him was stupid AF. What an idiot. Allen was gonna be there at pick 12 without trading. Miami wasn't taking him. Good God. Stupid stupid stupid. Beane panicked.

    LOL Beane wasn't patient. Allen was gonna be there at 12 without trading.

    He didn't trade up to 2 like so many of you wanted...He was patient, got lucky and then pulled the trigger when he felt comfortable with the deal. Who is to say Allen would be there at 12. Maybe, maybe not. A lot of guys still think Allen was the best QB in the draft including Kiper. Once he had a deal which didn't involve next years #1, which is likely to be high, he pulled the trigger. Who's to say someone else doesn't trade up? LOL! Get a clue!

  2. 55 minutes ago, Dadonkadonk said:

    1. Allen falls to 12 and they take him keeping all their picks, adding two LB's, a C/G, and a DL

    2. Rosen gets past the Jets and the Bills deal to #4 or #5 giving up 12 and 22 but keeping their day 2 picks

    3. Their top QB is still available at # 2, and Bills take their shot giving up 12, 22, and next year #1, still add a LB and C/G

    1 or 2 work for me. 3 is not going to make me very happy....

  3. On 4/1/2018 at 8:41 AM, joesixpack said:


    Youre fooling yourself if you think only two qb will be gone by 12

    That's not what I said or meant Joe. I said any of them could, not all of them would.I think  one will, but I have no idea which one it might be. After Rosen, I'm fine with any of them including Allen or Jackson.

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