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Bills Fan of St Augustine

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Everything posted by Bills Fan of St Augustine

  1. Close the thread and be done with it.
  2. Might as well. Sitting back and letting the QB have his pick of open receivers certainly isn't working. Bills can't generate reliable rush with top 4 DL. If you play FF, start Diggs and Thielen next week for sure!
  3. I really hope the Bills turn it around and contend for a playoff spot, but I really can't see that happening for a while. A top 5 pick is quite likely. We have our QB and now need to build at the line of scrimmage on both sides of the the ball. No more high round DBs, WRs, etc until this gets fixed. RBs can't run without holes, QBs can't throw without time. DBs can't cover all day. It will take a couple years. Trade out of top 5 and stockpile later rounds and later years. Talented OL are tough to find in FA.. Draft OL and sign DL.
  4. Either take Bosa or trade down out of the #1 pick. https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrE192FP5xbEpYAb5ZXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1536995334/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.cbssports.com%2fnfl%2fdraft%2fnews%2f2019-nfl-mock-draft-bills-go-nick-bosa-at-no-1-cowboys-add-nkeal-harry-to-receiver-group%2f/RK=2/RS=G8QUYbSiWeah8HEMTJ0jSqtYgW0-
  5. Offense was quite offensive but we knew that already. The larger concern was the D which stopped virtually nothing. Top 5 pick coming to Buffalo, next week will be quite telling....
  6. http://www.bmorearoundtown.com/events/view.php?event=DPX&name=Ravens-vs-Bills-#PurpleTailgate
  7. Yep, I'll be there with two friend from Buffalo.! Saturday night in Fells Point. Tailgate as below. Go Bills! Ravens vs Bills Bills Backers Tailgate Details Bills Backers BMORE Tailgate Lot 1201 Race Street, Baltimore MD 21230 TAILGATE DETAILS: Thank you for the purchase of our Bills/Ravens Bills Backers 2018 BMORE Tailgate Package! Complete details for the tailgate are below. Our Bills Backers BMORE Tailgate Lot is located at 1201 Race Street, Baltimore, MD 21230. Directly behind the post office off of W Ostend Street. The tailgate will kick off at 9:00am for Tailgate Pass Holders. Please note that food shuts down at 12:00pm. There will be a Cash Bar available after the All Inclusive portion of the event ends at 12:30pm. Only Tailgate Pass holders will be permitted on the lot during the tailgate. Saturday options
  8. Thanks BL!
  9. Still....gonna be a lot of fun!
  10. agreed, but old habits are hard to quit. Besides, football is not a hobby...it's a way of life....
  11. You're free to try.... I'm just not optimistic...5 wins max...
  12. If we had receivers who could get open quickly, then maybe. TEs quick up the seem is possible. Gonna be ugly in my opinion. When do we start talking about tanking?
  13. Sad thing is, he is set up for failure behind a porous OL and receivers who can't separate. 8 in the box, max rush....he gonna die!
  14. If we fix the Gs and the Cs then the tackles become a more obvious problem. As it is,, it takes DE a bit longer to get to the QB by running around our Ts than it does pushing the Cs and Gs back into the QB.
  15. Honestly, a little bit sick. Both sides of the line are awful when the ball is being thrown.
  16. So maybe he can put on weight and play on the OL?
  17. Both - no one lines up to lose. But this team is at least 2-3 years from potential to win SB. All else doesn't really matter. They got their franchise QB, now we need to win in the trenches on both sides of the ball. OL/DL play was horrific. Duckass lead our team in sacks with his backside! I would be very surprised to see 6 wins, but I will be at the Raven's game wearing the colors! Go Bills!
  18. Hard to compare different piles of excrement. Last year's line was little better mid-year.
  19. Just compare the time Dalton has to throw verses Allen. Deer in the headlights....please!
  20. No, this line sucks. Tyrod did his best to hide multiple deficiencies up front. It showed when Peterman stepped in and was mauled. Could be a long year, but it is pre-season.
  21. Warm hat, gloves, long johns, good boots and dress in layers. Hut not a good idea. If they dress warm,, they'll be warm. A flask of brandy helps in the short term. Last resort is to get back in the car and warm up. We used to rent a hotel room that was off of the main lot for the ladies to use the facilities and get warm. I don't know if it's still there.
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