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Everything posted by RunninRebel37

  1. The Bills came out like last week - acting like they’ve done something? Was really hoping to see more effective crisp play. This is super disappointing
  2. That’s the most Homer response possible. I’m rootin for JA, I want him to be great and surpass Mahomes’ accomplishments, but but take your Western New York lens off and be real.
  3. Bills need to tighten TF up…out there actin like the season ended last week 😒 SMH
  4. Fair or not I blame Zach Moss…that was a walk in TD. He’s strugglin - for real for real- please feed Singletary. He’s earned it!!!
  5. Nope - he’s a non vaxxer, which means he’ll miss this week and likely next week
  6. Jim Josh Tyrod Fitz Tyrod deserves his due - was a stable presence, awesome person/pro, and ended the drought! Just need Josh to do what no others could and bring home that Lombardo trophy
  7. Can we please trade Edmunds? I mean - nice dude but not a playmaker, below average, reminds me of Poz
  8. Bruce Arians prob hung over - sleep walking thru his BS game. WTF happened? Josh and Diggs ain’t on the same page, O-Line couldn’t hold your spot in a checkout, and the d line are straight bums.
  9. Yikes! Take away those 2 turnovers and what’s Indy done? Josh gotta stop reading, be methodical, and trust they’re the better team!
  10. Can we please stop with Zack Moss? Great dude, but ineffective and takes away plays from Singletary
  11. When’s this team gonna let Singletary get some redzone looks? And nothing personal against Moss, but he’s gotta go. Consistently ineffective but they keep going back to him
  12. Can someone tell me WTF is goin on? Fords a bum - we see that, but what’s goin on with our offensive game plan?
  13. I foresee Diggs having a big game (6/103/1) and I’d like to see Motor get rollin with the run game/O-Line as a whole improving. Singletary will get his first 100+ game this season
  14. Anyone else feeling like JA was fools gold last year? I really feel like there’s something to the empty stadiums (or partially filled depending on tram) impacting his play
  15. As a native Las Vegan - who had zero say in the County Commissioners stadium approval - you all should vehemently oppose a publicly funded stadium. The Pegulas and the NFL should be ashamed of themselves trying to leverage emotions and a successful season into a publicly funded stadium deal. A billionaire owner - let alone the league collectively - shouldn't be asking hard working tax payers to front that bill. It’s disgusting and I apologize for our city/county for setting this standard.
  16. And a chemical reaction also - fire triangle was replaced with the fire tetrahedron!
  17. Damn. Recognize the cap need but maybe he’ll consider coming back with at a lower price. If not - seemed like a great dude and definitely helped show JA could be that dude!
  18. This is bias and not subtle racism
  19. This Bills team is real! I get a Manning/Brady feel coming between Chiefs/Bills for years to come
  20. Anyone willing to let 2 go or trade for LV Raiders tix let me know!!!!
  21. When have “rules” prevented a good thing from happening! 😏
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