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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. She was, absolutely. But it's the look on her face as she tries to pretend she doesn't understand the implication.
  2. They think we're stupid. Peaceful protesting is political organizing.
  3. You could be right Though, I for one approve of Boaty McBoatface's platform of free boat rides for every citizen.
  4. Better odds (at the moment) is someone going to jail for Epstein stuff. I say that only because so far that's the only matter where someone has been indicted officially. I would think that's how Vegas would lean. Personally though, I think those odds will change this month. We're in put up or shut up time for Durham between now and early September. If nothing comes by then -- well... there will be a lot of upset people including me.
  5. ?‍♂️ I doubt it. But the backlash he gets from the left will be a good reminder to voters (who care about being told how they must vote because of their skin color).
  6. She supports a cult and communism. But I repeat myself.
  7. China's infestation didn't start 3.5 years ago. Thanks for playing and proving to everyone (again) that you don't know your elbow from your ass.
  8. It's not a joke. It's an insult you've leveled at B-man many times. It's beyond the pale -- but is perfectly on brand for you.
  9. He gets trounced in the debate and IMMEDIATELY falls back on slamming another man's religion. Why? Because he's a terrible person who's so broken and lost he thinks this makes him look strong. It doesn't. It shows the world for certain he is weak. ***** off, *****.
  10. More lies from the guy who just can't help reminding the board that he's a bad person. Completely dishonest, and only here to defend the indefensible.
  11. It is obvious. Those who say voter ID is racist, or an impediment to voting, believes minorities are too dumb to get state issued IDs. White liberals proclaiming to be woke are the most racist of them all, as people like you keep proving.
  12. At least three times he did that. USSS has some pretty big leeway with what they can/do allow their protectees to do in terms illegality -- but there are some things they won't abide, regardless of rank.
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