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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Right now: Just the first president to (again) publicly call out Big Pharma and not take their money.
  2. We being the MSM. Many others, including PPP are still months ahead of the curve.
  3. He thinks he's winning. That's the funniest part
  4. But it's much bigger than one election cycle. If Trump gets another term, there's no way they can stall or cover up their crimes -- and they know it. A Trump victory means that the establishment in DC (on both sides of the aisle) are effectively toast. Perhaps only for a decade, but long enough for the rest of us to break free from their grift.
  5. Why is the media pushing FEAR so much? It's not really about a bug. It's about much, much more than that.
  6. Seth just cant' give up the con, and can't give up being spectacularly wrong (about every single thing).
  7. That just reminded me of this... "That's the lottery!" (nsfw language)
  8. He'll get back to you in a bit when he's done serving his time in the penalty box.
  9. Such a little man, offended by meaningless emojis to the point of posting about it.
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