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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. ************************************************** Then watch how fast Comey makes a deal to roll on Brennan and Clapper once he sees how screwed he truly is. The only thing Comey cares about is Comey.
  2. And then today you have fires in Iraq and UAE --
  3. The dems in the senate are SO scared of Durham, Booker read this article into the record during Yates' testimony... written by: Andrew Weissmann, so you know, not biased at all
  4. Agree with what GG and DButton said that it's unlikely -- doubly so for my tea leaf reading considering the first wave of social media propaganda after the explosion (within minutes) from Syria, Iran and Hezbollah cut outs were all about an Israeli fighter plane initiating the attack. That much disinformation so fast makes me rule them out.
  5. Two points... the first Snafu touched on previously but is worth pointing out. You and others are claiming that in the history of elections there hasn't been a large level of voter fraud. That's great. That system has been in place and tweaked, tightened, and secured over MANY election cycles. What's being proposed now is NOT that system, so saying "there will be no fraud" in a system no one has ever done before is not only incorrect, it's shortsighted. No one knows what to expect with this because they're rushing to implement something new. The second point is about the "who". If you're still laboring under the delusion that only one party or the other can be bad actors in the election, then I would suggest you've learned nothing from what actually happened in the Trump/Russia scandal. This isn't about parties. This is about the establishment control which is uni-party and NOT working in the peoples' interests. They're the ones who fix it. And mail in voting makes it easier than ever for them to do that -- to all our detriment. Supporting it, just because Trump does not, is to cut off your nose to spite your face.
  6. Tibs does not make jokes because he is not smart enough to. He IS a joke. Difference.
  7. Sally Yates getting flayed in the hearing today... she's committed a dozen acts of perjury so far.
  8. https://mobile.twitter.com/BillNeelyNBC/status/1290761746291007489
  9. By “correct it” he means to rip down the foundations of the nation and replace them with ideologies antithetical to the very core of our nation’s ideals and liberty itself... A “patriot” my arse.
  10. More coming from Mueller's probe -- FOIA requests coming through: That whole "the DNC was hacked" thing gets more ludicrous by the day, doesn't it?
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