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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. And those turn out to be so fake that you need to create a new Russia allegation with even less merit
  2. Or maybe No Chance/Dementia Joe was speaking off the cuff again
  3. The trick is in making you feel like you're alone. You're not. The numbers aren't on their side, they just have the media propping them up.
  4. Agreed. Though I'm still of the persuasion that no AG would ever want to put a former IC head on trial for numerous NatSec reasons. Instead, I think a better fate for Mr. Brennan would be to "disappear" while fishing like his predecessor Colby. https://www.nytimes.com/1996/04/30/us/ex-director-of-cia-disappears-while-canoeing-on-choppy-river.html
  5. The best lies are the biggest lies. Those are the ones people believe easiest.
  6. Joe's said that about Trump for months... I hope he picks her. It'd be a sure sign they're terrified of SpyGate.
  7. When the "two sides" come together and drop the masks, ALF, it's a sign you've been had. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Bush and Clinton are enemies of this country, not friends. ***************************************************************
  8. Something seems to be up. An odd 13 or so hours in DC... First, Trump spoke at a "whirlpool" factory about the enemies he's made: Then he boards Marine One to go to NJ for the weekend -- and unlike any other time I can remember, barring the end of a term, the whole staff was out to see him off: Add this to the rumors about Brennan/Durham... Spidey senses tingling.
  9. Billstime trying to start a thread:
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