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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. The guy who authored the crime bill, the single piece of legislation that set up this "systemic injustice" people have been protesting over for three months, picks an AG who tilted the system in CA as well. It's a losing position for No Chance Joe. But it'll make the ads a lot of fun.
  2. No, Joe picked her because she's black and a woman. Full stop. That's what he promised to do months ago, and he delivered. Her color and gender was all that matters to Joe. Correct. She's a liability. She lets Joe deflect some of the "defund the police attacks", but in doing so she'll have to take a different tact than she took while running for office herself. That will have serious blowback on her. They are thinking that they're going to cheat so what does it matter who the VP or President is. That's what my girl just said. And it's hilarious that Harris couldn't win the nomination herself but now voters are going to say she's the real president Incorrect with almost every word. The media frames the discussions, not the other way around.
  3. NBC reporting it's Harris -- still unconfirmed:
  4. Abrams still think she's in the running NBC reporting it's Harris. This is UNCONFIRMED:
  5. So that leaves Rice, Demings, or Harris -- as expected (and I guess Abrams).
  6. Fear is what they've been using for a long time to push agendas, this is no different. This isn't a normal election. A second Trump term puts too many big fish in serious peril. They're pulling out all the stops, including trying to shut down the country by inciting fear of a virus from which over 99% of people recover.
  7. It's just my hunch... but it's because her getting into politics herself opens her husband up to a lot of scrutiny that they'd otherwise pretend didn't exist. She'd destroy his legacy faster than Trump has already done. I (personally/opinion) don't think she has the stomach for it.
  8. It's all about November. Full stop.
  9. That's the only pick that would swing anything for Joe. But she won't do it.
  10. She'd have to wear blackface to live up to Biden's own promises.
  11. Garcetti also said to expect the VP announcement within the hour.
  12. ? ...It might have been a request, specifically to use on Mr. BillsTime
  13. DOW over 28000 again... Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi deeply upset.
  14. Just proof of what I said above. Instead of saying, "You're right, going to Epstein island 26 times and to his ranch in NM a dozen more AND eye witnesses put Bill there with CHILDREN (not women) is really bad regardless of politics" -- he pivots immediately to deflect attention from Bill and put it on Trump (without evidence). Why? Because politics matter more than protecting children for people like him -- and every single DNC voter on this site who has not spoken out about this issue or tries to brush it away as "nonsense" despite all the evidence that's come to light over the past three years (NXIVM, Jon of God, Epstein et al). You can pretend all you want that you have the moral high ground when you do this -- but everyone sees through that game. The reality is Epstein got a sweet deal when he was prosecuted to protect the Clintons and the sacred cows of the establishment. Obama was getting a new SecState, one with a dirty history alongside Epstein, and the last thing they needed was the Epstein scandal to break just as the administration was being put into power. So, a deal was cut to protect Epstein and the Clinton's dirty laundry. This was signed off by Obama and Joe -- both of whom decided politics was more important than protecting kids. When people show you what they are, believe them.
  15. And then here are a couple live/growing threads from good people if you want to go back and see the coverage. These are long threads (obvs) so only linking the top of each one. Click to expand/read in full.
  16. He definitely said "non-public" not secret to my ears, so I agree with you there. And yeah, it's a lot of legalese
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