* FEAR: The 2016 election wasn't legitimate, it was stolen by RUSSIANS!
* FEAR: The incoming president is an agent of Putin, our enemy!
* FEAR: The president of the United States is a secret White Supremacist and Nazi!
* FEAR: The president of the United States is going to get us into a war with North Korea!
* FEAR: The president is going to get us into a war with Iran!
* FEAR: If the president isn't stopped, Nazis and White Supremacists will rule the world!
* FEAR: A virus from which 99% of people survive, requires us to shut everything down indefinitely
Those were the headlines and stories from establishment/major media outlets for three straight years. There's never, ever, been anything like this deployed against the American people by the 4th estate. If you can't see we're in a different time, then you're not paying close enough attention to what matters.
No one, least of all me, is saying using fear as a tool is new. What I am saying is this is a different level. The question you should ask when you realize this is why.