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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Link where I made that bet with you... go for it.
  2. * FEAR: The 2016 election wasn't legitimate, it was stolen by RUSSIANS! * FEAR: The incoming president is an agent of Putin, our enemy! * FEAR: The president of the United States is a secret White Supremacist and Nazi! * FEAR: The president of the United States is going to get us into a war with North Korea! * FEAR: The president is going to get us into a war with Iran! * FEAR: If the president isn't stopped, Nazis and White Supremacists will rule the world! * FEAR: A virus from which 99% of people survive, requires us to shut everything down indefinitely Those were the headlines and stories from establishment/major media outlets for three straight years. There's never, ever, been anything like this deployed against the American people by the 4th estate. If you can't see we're in a different time, then you're not paying close enough attention to what matters. No one, least of all me, is saying using fear as a tool is new. What I am saying is this is a different level. The question you should ask when you realize this is why.
  3. They're hoping (and probably will get) to get an assist from the media not to run that story.
  4. He's a clown who loves to lie. And when he's asked to back it up, he runs like a coward Best off to leave him on ignore other than to laugh once in awhile at his nuttiness.
  5. Yeah, Rice would have been worse without question. I was stunned at how much press she was getting in the final few weeks -- until I remembered why she was getting that -- (Durham).
  6. I never made that bet with you, asshat. I have one bet on the election, and I will win it much to Transplant's chagrin
  7. Sorry, meant to add: Voting Trump barring unforeseen changes in the next 84 days. I refuse to vote for anyone who partook in the Russia hoax, and Biden and Harris are deeply involved. Trump could still do some things over the next three months to lose my support, but it won't swing blue. It'll swing to another write in.
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