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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. They can't compete with the messaging -- despite having the entire media in their pocket.
  2. Gotta love someone who claims to have a good record on PPP attempting to prove it by ignoring how he got every bit of the Russia story wrong, every bit of the 2016 election story wrong -- then follows it up with a post that claims Trump's economic successes were actually Obama's Never change, Transplant. Keep removing all doubt that you're a serious intellect.
  3. The tweet isn't meant to be a smoking gun. It was just posted as a reminder of what she said/stood for on the issue.
  4. That she never walked it back or apologized even after the facts were known. It shows her true motivations, it’s purely selfish for her and not about “the cause”. She’s a partisan first and foremost, one who pushes the toxic swill of identity politics at the expense of truth. It’s who she is. It’s what she stands for — herself and nothing more.
  5. 100% Either way, it's an incident that proves she's A) not a serious person and B) unqualified for the position.
  6. ************************************** 45 hitting her hard right now. Like I said, she's on the call logs to Foxx during that time. This was released by the city of Chicago and the DOJ. She also has a close personal relationship with the guy who faked it and was one of the first national voices to push this issue. Whether she knew it was fake or not is secondary, she was deeply involved with inflaming the situation to her own benefit -- then never said boo after it was exposed to be fake. Calling that out, with what we know about what actually happened now (that it was a complete hoax) is fair game. It's a VERY bad look for her. Why defend something that's indefensible? ******************************************** She's a beacon of honesty and truth, @Jauronimo
  7. The media assault pumping an obvious hoax. She was involved in putting pressure on the city of Chicago to do something about it, hence the record of calls to Kim Foxx. She also has known Jussie for a long time. She's dirty, J. It's her MO.
  8. She is on the call logs to Kim Foxx. She was involved. Deeply. Facts are stubborn things. **************************
  9. Still waiting... while you're looking you can find that time you claim I said I was on disability too -- or you can save yourself a heap of trouble and time and admit you were (shock!) lying through your teeth. Or possibly delusional... either way, it's a bad look.
  10. If you find where I agreed to the bet, and Trump loses, sure. (and it's funny how scared you are of me -- rent free in your empty head)
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