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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. The honest, and serious answer to this question is Clinton. Harris was the Clinton machine's candidate in the early days. The Clinton and Obama political machines (meaning their lieutenants) do not get along nor play nice with one another -- but they are the sacred cows of the establishment political class. Thus they had to be represented on the ticket. What that means is that there was no serious research and vetting, there was no true consideration for their voters. This is the most DC establishment ticket they could possible come up with -- which is exactly how they arrived at their decision. Establishment over the People. That's what truly matters to them. And that's why it's endlessly ironic to see the same posters and voters who have spent the past three+ months protesting against the system created by the establishment now falling into line behind one of the primary architects of that establishment (Biden) and a puppet for the Clinton machine. It's a game to them. And they only care about winning for themselves, not their constituents.
  2. And, to be fair to @transplantbillsfan , that would be the best thing to do. It would not be fair to him if he wins our avatar bet, but then I'm gone for the year I'm supposed to be rocking it.
  3. In all seriousness, I admit when I'm wrong often. I had completely forgotten about that bet and was wrong. I have no fear of admitting that, my operating position has always been the only thing I know for sure is that I don't know everything. That leaves a lot of room and time to be wrong. But I promise you I never wrote I was on disability. I've never been on disability in my life so whatever you're thinking of I assure you that you're confusing me with someone else or taking a post out of context.
  4. I admit we made a bet for a year, yes. I was wrong. And the bet is on. You're still a liar until you find where I ever once said I was on disability. Go prove me wrong.
  5. You're still the liar -- the bet was for a year, not to leave for good. But bet's on. When Trump wins you're gone for a year -- and all your alts. If he loses, I'll do the same. Now, find that disability quote and really prove me wrong... still waiting on that one.
  6. Tulsi Gabbard says hello. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2019/07/31/gabbard_vs_harris_you_kept_prisoners_locked_up_for_labor_blocked_evidence_that_would_free_man_on_death_row.html What happened to her campaign next? Right... Gary, wrong again! Keeping that track record of hilarious ignorance in tack throughout multiple screen names and accounts because he can't run fast or far enough from his own history around here.
  7. Not true. But again, you're a proven liar on this board so it's completely on brand for you to continue to lie.
  8. Harris opens up so many avenues for political attacks... it's going to get much worse for No Chance Joe in the weeks ahead.
  9. Offers nothing -- but is still willing to climb up on the SAME hill only to die all over again Gary continues to prove he's not only a worthless contributor to PPP, but also dead wrong on every scrap of analysis he's ever offered on this subject.
  10. Multiple handles over the year because he has to run from his past constantly, Gary proves again that he offers nothing to this community. Nothing at all.
  11. It's about more than one election...
  12. Here's the exchange, @leh-nerd skin-erd -- I'm putting it behind the spoiler screener because both posts are very long. Click on the links to the posts to see the quotes in full (I quote his old posts, he quotes mine, but they don't show up when I quote the quotes). Starts with mine, finishes with one of the most laughable posts of Transplant's career -- one which he takes a bow at the end without irony
  13. I've said it before in other threads but it bears repeating -- it's amazing that people who pay attention to politics enough to post on PPP don't see the larger picture. Trump's entire first two years in office were spent gutting the GOP from within of the establishment turncoats. Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House and under 50 years old, stepped down "willingly" from power in the party. That didn't happen in a vacuum. It was part of a deliberate cleaning house strategy by Trump's team to rid the party of turncoats. The infestation was so deep that it took, or will take, two (House) election cycles to make it happen. 30+ GOP congressmen were shown the door or otherwise removed -- and one particularly evil senator from Arizona. That broke the establishment hold on the GOP and weakened the party in the short term (ie the 2018 midterms) but was a necessary step in the process. When/If Trump gets a second term, and when/if they retain control of the Senate and possibly the House, you'll see a very unified and different GOP in action. And with Barr and Durham waiting, it'll be the DNC's turn to get routed. The difference will be while Trump did the GOP cleaning largely behind the scenes, the DNC cleanup will be very public and embarrassing for them and their supporters.
  14. Agreed! @Doc Brown is great and always willing to honestly discuss topics. I like @transplantbillsfan a great deal too -- even if he is an intellectual mess he's well meaning. His response to the overwhelming factual evidence which proves the entire Russia/Trump story was a set-up and faked by our own intelligence services was to parrot MSM talking points from early '18 as if they still held water. He didn't engage at all with the information offered as a counter, rather he claimed it to be conspiracy while pushing an actual conspiracy theory about Russians stealing the election for Trump and it only not coming out because Trump obstructed the investigation. In other words, it was lunacy. But hilarious lunacy. I'll find the post in a bit when work settles down this morning.
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