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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Oh, sweetie. You say well over 100 dumb things a day around here... well over.
  2. This is just one of Biden's foreign policy wonks showing how wrong and out of step he is. Which fits in nicely with Joe who, throughout his entire 48 year career in power, got every single major foreign policy decision wrong. Every one. A vote for No Chance Joe is a vote for permawar, a vote for the MiC, a vote for think tanks in DC and the "intelligentsia" of the Beltway who have proven to be wrong at every turn for decades. A vote for 45 is a vote to give those people who pillaged and looted our country and its allies a big FU.
  3. The choice is clear -- want more permawar? Vote for No Chance Joe and his band of foreign policy wonks who have done nothing but wage permawar (unsuccessfully) for two decades. Want peace? Vote for 45.
  4. Which is legal and consentual. Bill Clinton raped children. Surely you see there is a difference?
  5. took the words right out of my keyboard.
  6. Do you ever stop and ask yourself why you feel the need to deflect rather than address the subject at hand? There are pictures of Trump and Epstein, all of them explained without the introduction of illegal activities. There are just as many pictures of the Clintons (the family, not just Bill) with Epstein -- in addition to eye witness accounts, flight logs, and court filings which put Bill with Epstein and children. The man was president for 8 years, and has held tremendous clout within establishment DC and the wheels of power for nearly four decades. Is that not the least bit disconcerting to you? Or do you only view this subject through a partisan lens?
  7. BillsTime pushing false Russian backed propaganda... again The irony is outstanding.
  8. My sources, some of which overlap, feel as confident as ever -- both in that indictments are happening and a November win. Being on the outside, that confidence hasn't assuaged my anxiety quite yet... ?
  9. It's the only bullet in their gun. They can't run on Joe's record (it's terrible in all the ways that matter to the progressive left) They can't run on Joe's agenda (it's terrible in all the ways that matter to the centrist/moderate left) They can't run on Kamala's record (it's terrible in all the ways that matter to the progressive left) They can't run on Kamala's agenda (it's terrible in all the ways that matter to the centrist/moderate left) The only thing they can run on is "Orange Man Bad" which didn't work for Clinton and won't work for No Chance Joe.
  10. There was definitely some consideration given, especially if you buy into the angle that until the 11th hour Biden was ready to pick Warren (per the Beltway rumor mill). Per those rumors it wasn't until his gaffe about all black people being the same that he switched to Harris. I'm not sure about that, considering the leaked profiles about Kamala being the pick a few weeks back (I think those pre-dated the gaffe? Not sure though). I personally don't think Warren would have helped him much, she's as flawed as Kamala, but at least she polled higher than 10% in her own state and won actual delegates in the primaries before she folded up her tent. But there was no way the Clinton machine (again, meaning her people/lieutenants) weren't going to get a major seat at the table with Biden as the front runner.
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