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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Imagine the type of low information poster you have to be to cite John Brennan as some sort of font of truth, the same guy who murdered an American Journalist on the streets of Los Angeles and who ran the first ever coup attempt in American history. It takes someone either very dumb, or very evil to do so. (not talking about you, BeerLeague)
  2. Comey's got serious problems, they keep mounting the longer he goes on.
  3. Positives: Joe didn't call a lid today. Negatives: No Chance Joe still has no support:
  4. Since I'm jumping in mid-stream and late, allow me to test your independent thought with two straightforward questions: Did Michael Cohen ever go to Prague? Did Trump and the Russians work together to steal the 2016 election? Yes or no answers only.
  5. No response though... as I said, you’re a special kind of stupid.
  6. Late to this thread tonight ... overall thoughts: * The performances from both won’t move the needle one way or the other — which is a win for Trump. * Trump had better energy and pace, but missed some layups and got in his own way in spots. Joe wasn’t great, he came in third to Wallace in terms of winners, but he also survived til the end which itself is an accomplishment. * Both sides will be able to spin some gems from short cut ups of some of it, but Trump had the better tv moments. Theres already talk of canceling the next two debates. They can’t. It’ll make Joe look super weak. He needs a rebound more than Trump after tonight even if both stumbled.
  7. You’re leaving out the part where IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED EXACTLY AS THEY SAID. You can’t help but to display how stupid of a person you are with each attempt to avoid the obvious solution: educate yourself on the actual facts of the matter before opining on them.
  8. So much for that theory, collusion suckers.
  9. Correct. It's an exposed nerve for No Chance Joe. I think it's borne out of equal parts a father wanting to protect his son and a corrupt politician wanting to keep his (numerous) financial skeletons in the closet. He won't be able to run tonight from it. The media (and moderators) will likely step in with an assist though and label Trump's attacks "bullying" or "irrelevant". Trump isn't afraid to bully, but the topic itself is anything but irrelevant.
  10. Yup. Twice actually. They not only paid to influence the 2016 election by hiring known British and Russian spies to spread disinformation through a compliant media complex, an operation which morphed into a seditious conspiracy to overthrow a duly elected president, but also the 2018 midterms. The SCO could have released his report in full prior to the midterms considering we now know for certain that Mueller's entire team knew for a fact Trump and his team were innocent before they were assigned to the SCO team, but instead he dragged it out for 1.5 years. That was a deliberate attempt to not only create a perjury trap against Americans they knew to be innocent, but also to influence the outcome of the House races in numerous key races. It's important to note, perhaps now more than ever, that this entire operation was not done by the Clinton and Obama machines by themselves. This crossed the aisle, numerous Never Trump/Establishment republicans helped. Once Trump won, this stopped being about partisanship and became, and remains, the Establishment vs the People. Because if the Establishment is allowed to get away with this sort of abuse when the target of said abuse includes the sitting president (ie the "most powerful person in the country/world"), then what can they get away with when they target a citizen who doesn't have that kind of power? Despite this reality, 67% of democrats polled still believe that Russian collusion was real, just under-charged or that Trump interfered in ways which prevented an honest investigation from taking a look into the matter. This of course flies in the face of the evidence in record, which is growing worse by the day. That kind of bifurcated reality didn't happen by accident. It was intentional. The establishment media knowingly participated in the Big Lie, programming people with divisive talking points about the sitting president being a traitor to the country itself. This was the desired outcome of a massive disinformation campaign waged by establishment IC cut outs in the media against every one of us. And that's set the table for a very dangerous period in the country's history. Bifurcated realities are unsustainable. Sooner or later a reckoning must occur. We're nearing that tipping point.
  11. 100% When I started looking into this 4 years ago now, I was NOT a Trump fan (or Clinton fan). I was (and remain) politically agnostic when it comes to parties. But the more I dug, the more dirt that came out, the more I realized your point above is key. People MUST go to jail for this, otherwise it'll continue. Both parties will do it (they already were), it'll just be a "who's in power gets the toys" kind of set up. This has never been about partisanship, never been about Trump or Clinton or Obama. This has always been about whether or not we are going to live in an actual democratic republic where the People have a say, or merely the illusion of one. It SHOULD be a topic that people can all rally around, especially in this current climate where the country is debating/discussing over-policing and abuses of LEOs. No one is more powerful than the intelligence services in this country (including the FBI in that IC group), and they abused their powers to target innocent Americans to aid one campaign over the other, and then when their opponent won, to attempt to overturn an otherwise legal election. That should rally everyone, regardless of party preference, to say it's wrong. Yet, here we are.
  12. So... was he reckless when he sought DIA approval for the RT/Putin dinner? A dinner traditionally attended by members of the intel community? Or was asking for, and receiving, permission "reckless"? These are things you would know if you bothered to shut your pie hole and read the material rather than invent positions which are fiction. You do it in your responses to other posters and you're doing it here. As for Turkey and FARA -- it was, and has been proven to be, an intelligence operation also approved by the DIA. Forget the fact that his FARA paperwork was found to be in order (per last week's releases which you're ignoring to cite a nearly half a year old article). There was no illegality there, and operating FIG in the manner he was was not reckless but bait. So, you're wrong. Again. SHOCKER!
  13. This type of disclosure would normally end the discussion/debates in years past. But not after 3+ years of media programming and a massive disinformation campaign waged by them against the People. It's going to be an ugly fall.
  14. Yup. This is the ballgame, it's really insurmountable -- if not for a 3+ year conditioning/disinformation campaign waged by the media and the IC.
  15. Can you say, "seditious conspiracy"? Brennan is going to vanish on a fishing trip one day soon...
  16. Again, checkmate Seditious conspiracy for a lot of people is now much more likely.
  17. Comey into the crucible tomorrow:
  18. Timing is a hell of a thing.
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