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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. This is gross, even for her.
  2. ************** Gross, even for her
  3. It's always amazing the lengths these low information TDS sufferers will go through to avoid context. Their subconscious knows, deep down, that acknowledging the context ruins their position -- but rather than face that and adjust their views, they block it out entirely. Because they're weak minded.
  4. Not being carried by the networks (so far) -- press conference on the deal. Kushner speaking now: A little more on this topic:
  5. Tonight is episode one. I got out voted and we watched a quick series called Run on HBO first (7 episodes). Was okay, but am psyched to start tonight.
  6. They're really trying this gambit. Proving (again) they've learned nothing from 2016. Not a single thing.
  7. ************************************************** Ask yourself why.
  8. He doesn't understand the difference between his ass and his elbow, so I wouldn't hold your breath
  9. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/global-disruption-three-terror-finance-cyber-enabled-campaigns
  10. Because he's not bright enough to understand why that's intellectually dishonest.
  11. Something you've never done, once. Ever. But tell us again about how Trump worked with Russia to steal the election
  12. Look how quick he is to bring in kids into the discussion. Some people can't help but show you who they are and why they're bad people.
  13. That's a big deal. ************************************
  14. Rent free in your head, my dear. Rent free. Time for a new screen name. You're becoming unglued again.
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