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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. (This was asked during a press conference -- which no one covered -- on the ME peace deal, proving what a joke the media is)
  2. https://mobile.twitter.com/KerriKupecDOJ/status/1294022257052921858
  3. You wrote all that to prove you’re not dumb. You failed.
  4. https://mobile.twitter.com/yosefyisrael25/status/1294001194931822592
  5. That's a very poor way to make that argument. And it's also false. But when you get caught breaking the TOS and spamming the board: LIE. The BillsTime way.
  6. You're very dumb. What was written in the quote you chose was making the opposite point of your assumption. If you can't read and comprehend a simple sentence, maybe you should sit out trying to analyze complex political events To make it VERY clear, I'll type slow: I was saying it would be unfair for me to be gone for the same year that I was supposed to be honoring your bet. I was, in fact, being honorable. You took it the exact opposite way because you don't think before you post. Try it some time. It'll improve your content by tenfold.
  7. It is spam when it's unrelated to the thread. But I wouldn't expect you to understand the difference as you've proven you're a very dim bulb indeed.
  8. Fat shaming women became sexist around 2016 per the mob. Fat shaming men is not sexist because men don't matter to the mob.
  9. No, he's just trying to spam the board. Which is a violation of the board TOS... lucky for him I'm not a panty waist like Gary and the others.
  10. Reading is hard. Especially for teachers. Try it again.
  11. Agreed. Note, there is a lot of "turmoil" in the SpyGate corner of Twitter because of a post made last night by Sundance/aka Conservative Tree House. It implied Durham wasn't a real investigation. That's wrong. Pain 'a coming.
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