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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Comey has been silent as of late, I think he knows he's cooked (unless you buy into the theory that he's a secret white hat which I do not but I know some really, really do). McCabe and Comey are the most exposed right now because they don't have the protections Brennan has. The Ohrs is a GREAT question... that will be interesting to track. The revelation/confirmation (it had been suspected) that Clinesmith worked with the CIA as well as the FBI is a big admission in the charging docs that won't get a lot of play. But that will come back again. It's just the start. (no shite, Paul)
  2. Here are the charging docs for Clinesmith: https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/17445533/1/united-states-v-clinesmith/ NOTE: Clinesmith was also a CIA attorney
  3. My guess: Strzok. He's been very quiet, like a man who cut a deal. ************************ Here's the charging docs: https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/17445533/1/united-states-v-clinesmith/ Note: Charging documents confirm Clinesmith was also a CIA attorney Brennan is so *****.
  4. It's reactions like that which made the past three months of protesting the "systemic injustice" fall so short. The same people protesting had WILLFULLY ignored the most egregious abuse of systemic power in this nation's history -- and did so while dancing on the head of one of the crime's biggest victims (Flynn). Look at the jackals here who still do it. They've exposed themselves as not hypocrites at best, idiots at worst. There is crossover in that demo
  5. TWE is an EXCELLENT resource of SpyGate information. He's a researcher who cracked this case way back in early 2018 and has been batting close to 1000 since.
  6. The plea was already negotiated, so he made a deal. The evidence that Clinesmith altered the evidence has been in open source now for over 1.5 years, and was ignored/downplayed by the media when it first broke, then memory-holed. The fact he has already cut a deal, and it's for making a "false statement" rather than the more serious charges they had him on, means he must have given them some good stuff.
  7. For the first part -- yup. For the second part, I would LOVE to see an animated show about Jared and Kanye's friendship. That would be hilarious
  8. Clinesmith took an email from the CIA which said (paraphrased) "Carter Page is not a Russian spy, he's OUR spy against Russia" and altered the words so it read: "Carter page IS NOT our spy". He did not do this on his own. He did this at the behest of both Brennan and McCabe/Comey. His plea means he can roll up the chain in both Langley and the DOJ/FBI. He's a pressure point which Durham and Barr can squeeze to make McCabe, Comey, Brennan -- and those lieutenants under them -- sweat. A lot. So who are they covering for? (Including the media who knowingly lied about this matter for years)
  9. Gary. Wrong again. He's wrong so often, he starts threads about the topics he's going to be wrong about in anticipation. First of many.
  10. When you live with that kind of darkness and hatred in you 24/7 -- it will consume you.
  11. The left: "A low level lawyer who had no power in the FBI"....
  12. They got one, and he's a big link in the chain:
  13. And I got it right... gee, how'd that happen This is a big development. He's not a low level lawyer, he was Sr. management and involved in all investigations involving Trump/Flynn and his team. In other words, he has a lot of names he can drop. 100%
  14. Just like every single TDS poster here.
  15. The answer is clear in the terms of the bet and the conversation about it. Hence: reading is hard. You can put it together, I have faith in you. Sound out the big words you have to.
  16. Guess: It’ll be Clinesmith — which would be a big tell because he leads to Brennan.
  17. Again, reading is hard.
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