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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. ************** Weissmann is VERY desperate: He thinks falsifying evidence is the same as being leaned on to cop a plea you don't believe in? No wonder he's such a tyrant.
  2. So true. I thought that might be the reason he moved up the press conference, to hit that news early. But I guess Trump's brother is sick and in the hospital so he's going to visit this afternoon.
  3. There is of course the lowered expectation risk for Trump now too. He's lowered the expectations for Joe so much that if he doesn't set the podium on fire during the debate then the media will say Joe killed it. The debate(s) will be really important for both sides.
  4. This just proves you never read it nor understood what that report said. Had you done either, you would have adjusted your story long ago. Wait, that requires you to be honest. But you're not honest, Gary. You're dishonest to your core. You defend the indefensible. And you're 100% wrong (again) on this topic. Three years running now. It's been embarrassing for you. And it'll get worse.
  5. Trump kicked Epstein out of his club for recruiting girls, he also volunteered to testify against him. There are zero witnesses who put Trump on the island, the plane, or with children. There are multiple witnesses, flight logs, and pieces of evidence that put Bill on the island, on the plane with children trafficked by Epstein. One is not like the other. But if there's evidence that leads to Trump, bring it on and take him down. I'd have no problem condemning him. Yet... you're not condeming Bill. Why? Why is your immediate reaction to say "BUT TRUMP!" and not "HOLY ***** a sitting president was raping children while in power and out of it?!" Ask yourself that, Slim. You can condemn Clinton without mentioning Trump. It's not an "either or" scenario.
  6. You truly are breathtakingly stupid.
  7. He's at the bottom for sure. His comments to you were over the line and if there was equal moderation, he'd be long gone.
  8. This means every FISA was invalid -- all four -- and the upper echelon knew and approved of it. That's BIG trouble for the 7th floor.
  9. That means every FISA was invalid -- and the upper echelon knew and approved it. Keep talking, Gary. You're making a bigger fool of yourself than normal. And it's hilarious
  10. Such a weak response on a day when your entire premise was proven wrong. Again. But Gary's a weak guy, with a weak mind, here to defend the indefensible. If he weren't those things, he'd be reassessing today and admitting he was wrong. Instead he's showing the board (again) just how weak and small he truly is. *here comes the thread deletion in three...two...
  11. That's why Barr said last night today wouldn't be 'earth shattering but would show where it's going'. And if he considers Clinesmith on the low end of the people he's got lined up, then that means the big boys are in big, big, trouble.
  12. Look at that word salad to try to spin it: Enemies of the people.
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