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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. You're talking a poster who laughs with glee when US Servicemen are killed. He's not a real person. He's a troll, nothing more.
  2. He knew, while saying this, it was false. "Scandal free" my batooty.
  3. And give a prime time speech spot to a child rapist without compunction.
  4. Because No Name was a bad guy. Real bad. Besides being deeply involved in the coup -- one of his lesser offenses all things considered -- he spent his time in power being an enemy to this country and everything it stands for. He fought to keep illegal trafficking routes open along his state's borders, while claiming to be an enemy of human trafficking. He did this for money, and he did his job so well he was one of the leaders in the US Senate for protecting human traffickers (and narco/weapons trafficking) into this country. He sold his soul out decades ago. I'm not sure there is a hell, but if there is one he's roasting in it now and deserves every bit of his eternal damnation.
  5. ? During quarantine we've have a running game of Gin Rummy at my house, winner gets to pick the show. My record has been near unbeatable, until the past week wherein I lost back to back. First we had to watch Run, last night I lost by 3 and we wound up starting Perry Mason (binged the first four). We should finish that today or tomorrow. I just won the rights to pick the next one, so we are immediately starting Yellowstone Sunday evening. She can't stall anymore.
  6. It's amazing that after all these months you still don't see the game being played right in front of you with all our lives.
  7. (Not the most exciting video... but)
  8. Hmmm... a spot to keep an eye on.
  9. "Give us what we want, or we'll burn your city down." Things fascists say when they're losing...
  10. Things people who are winning do not do...
  11. Funny how all the ghouls came out to pounce on Gohmert when he was diagnosed but none are speaking up now... wonder why? Sooner or later, they're going to figure out they've been lied to bigly.
  12. How many other lives could be saved?
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