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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. A compulsion to protect those who harm children. He's gleeful about it. Thinks it's funny. That's the kind of "man" he is.
  2. This goes here too since a child rapist is being given a prime time spot tonight -- and not a single lefty on this board has said it's wrong yet. Not one.
  3. Sliiiiiide again. He can't help it. He MUST get involved in these discussions and he MUST protect those who harm children. It's a compulsion.
  4. Agreed. That's their goal. They know they're losing, badly. It's their only hope. And they'll cause bloodshed to get what they want (already are).
  5. "Swampiest committee on the Hill".
  6. That is FANTASTIC And by fantastic, I mean hilariously out of touch and poorly produced. It's like a cable access program from the 1990s. And you noticed how the DNC messaging is the same as the big corporate messaging? That's not a coincidence. Bought and paid for. He's called CCP Bill for a reason. He parrots CCP talking points as if they're his own. He's the literal definition of a useful idiot. That's true. Obama's policy was to help the traffickers get the children across the border in any manner he could. Big money for him for doing so.
  7. 2001 was my first year. Though I didn't post I don't think until late that year after nearly a year of lurking. I don't think my first post in PPP was until 2003 or 2004.
  8. Correct. This entire thread is projection -- especially when you consider they still haven't accepted the results of 2016. Projection and fear is all they have left to sell. And the empty headed vessels of the low-informed are eager to lap it up.
  9. They're going to cancel Susan now... Social Media is already flooded with comments about her views on race relations.
  10. Had not considered that one to be honest... but I still have no idea.
  11. He apparently said it wouldn't be Snowden or Flynn.
  12. Twitter is having fun suggesting he's going to pardon Joe Biden. That would be the ultimate troll move, never to be topped in a thousand lifetimes.
  13. Could be -- I don't consider him very, very important though. Not sure many others would either. Assange would be the biggest name (that I can think of at least) he could pardon, but I can't imagine it's him (not while extradition is still being worked out with the UK).
  14. ... Can't be Assange. Could be Manafort I guess, though he's not "very, very important". (Would be hilarious if it were 44)
  15. CCP Bill's desktop wallpaper:
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