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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. It's amazing they haven't figured out how to discern trolling from actual statements quite yet. And as a result, they keep stepping on the same rakes, over and over again.
  2. He's having a tough day. And now he's chosen to (again) lose his mind in public and let us all bear witness to his spiral. Just sit back and laugh. It's the only thing you can do with a mind as addled and demented as his.
  3. Scoreboard Number of Trump officials indicted by Mueller for conspiring or colluding with Russia: ZERO Number of Mueller team members indicted for falsifying evidence: ONE (and counting...)
  4. That same girl says Clinton was on the island with children though, and those children were used as sex slaves for Epstein's friends...
  5. Narrator: "It was." Evidence is against you, but once again Gary chooses to try to die on the same hill he spent the past three years getting gutted upon. And I mean gutted. He was wrong about every single thing for four years. But this thread will be hilarious until he loses his mind again and deletes it in a snit. Example one: Kilimnik was a US STATE DEPARTMENT SOURCE, not a Russian source. But details don't matter when you're perpetrating a coup.
  6. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times here: NBC Universal is the worst one...
  7. CCP Bill trying hard to fuse the only two neurons in his brain together to form a coherent thought. He failed.
  8. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ericmack/2020/08/18/an-asteroid-the-size-of-a-tesla-just-made-the-closest-fly-by-of-earth-on-record/#5c09369c4ea4
  9. Jokes like that are why Gary's score is so low -- throughout all his handles.
  10. That's an insult to the insane people everywhere
  11. Tonight's DNC speaker... (still not one condemnation of the pick by anyone here... not one)
  12. What happens is you write a post that ends up being quite on point three years after the fact. But facts and results don't matter to people who are here to do the bidding of evil. Those people who spend countless years working to protect those who harm children. That's his legacy on this board. It's something most would ashamed of, but not Gar. ...Now, please continue to spiral out and lose your mind in public. It's hilarious to watch. ?
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