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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. And Trump is demanding a drug test before Master trolling.
  2. Reminder: Penfield is the guy who called all black people stupid. He’s a racist, a bigot, and here to spread hate. He’s made that quite clear. If the mods won’t boot him, then ignore his screed. It’s a waste of brain matter to read them let alone respond.
  3. I don’t think PPP’s tradition of lax moderation should change, but things like that are out of line and should be dealt with swiftly by mods. He’s made that comment in multiple threads.
  4. 100%. But trolls gonna troll. He’s a worthless poster.
  5. They have no principles, no guiding compass -- other than the lust for power at all costs.
  6. It was never about justice. It was always, always, about politics.
  7. Sorry, Andy. No presidency for you.
  8. How could they not have seen this coming? Oh, right, because they are not bright. They claim to be masters of all things political, yet they couldn't see the train barreling down on them as they were standing on the tracks. November will be hilarious.
  9. Can't beat this messaging... **************************
  10. He sure did... But that was so four years ago. Gee, who would have thunk it?
  11. @transplantbillsfan hardest hit... No Chance Joe has no mo'.
  12. It was never about social justice or equality. It was always about cold, calculated politics. And they blew it. The party that lied for three years about treason, a stolen election, Russians, and "peaceful" protests just can't seem to do anything right. All they had to do to beat Trump is NOT be crazy... and they just couldn't do it. There's still time for the rational people out there to wake up and reject the continuation of the establishment political class's tactics... who will do it?
  13. They do know. It's clear. They should have known from the start that No Chance Joe had no chance. Adding Kamala sunk them faster than I imagined. Then there's this attempt at a save
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