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Deranged Rhino

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Posts posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Just now, Big Blitz said:

    Was Trump's second greatest achievement, foreign policy, not to be discussed last night?  That a separate debate?


    Would seem to me that's important.  



    Just wondering as I was reflecting on Neo Con Joe threatening Brazil with how they should conduct their business.  


    Correct, it wasn't a topic. It should be for the second debate. 

  2. Just now, Taro T said:


    Would agree w/ this.


    But, make no mistake, Biden showed 8 years ago that he'd have been talking over 45 whether 45 was playing nice or playing himself. 


    My take is still that neither won the debate (it's hard to win a debate when you can't articulate complete thoughts & neither man can) but 45 might have lost it.  Though getting Biden to tacitly admit he'll stack the SC if he can and (paraphrasing here) that Antifa is an idea and not an organization (try telling that to people who had their businesses burned down) were a couple of solid body blows. 


    Plus he got Joe to denounce the GND, he cornered Joe on law enforcement and made him look bad, and of course nailed him with Hunter Biden's corruption and got Joe to lie (deny) about not only that but about an incident that's on tape for the world to see (calling soldiers stupid bastards). 


    Trump landed a lot of substantial body blows on Joe, and I expect his media team will have a field day cutting up those ads. Joe scored some too -- just not as many or anything as meaningful. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    Companies added better than expected 749,000 jobs amid jump in construction, hospitality, ADP says

    * Private companies added 749,000 jobs in September vs. the 600,000 Dow Jones estimate.
    * Construction, trade transportation and utilities and hospitality led the gains.
    * The report comes two days ahead of the official nonfarm payrolls report, which is expected to show growth of 800,000 in September.



    Add to this the market is closing in again on 28k -- up over 350 today and climbing. If the markets thought Joe had won the debate, they wouldn't be rising today. Seems like Wall Street is still confident in a second Trump term.

  4. 2 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Just saying ... we hear his supporters refer to Trump as the alpha male and (Rush I think) as “Mr Man”, but a lot of his most ardent supporters love to congregate in single-sex groups of men in matching outfits. 
    A Trumpie will not win an argument by calling his opposition a racist or a homophobe. 


    I'm not arguing. I'm pointing out your own homophobia which is rampant now in three posts. You use it as an insult. Because you have hatred in your heart and you've exposed yourself to be everything you claim to be against. You should seek help for your condition, Frank. Not only are you an impulsive liar who argues with himself for hours, you're also very hateful and quick to anger. 


    You have a lot of issues. And it's a joy to expose them to the world while I continue to live rent free inside your empty head. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Get a sense of humor. That whole Proud Boys thing has a homoerotic appeal. To some. 
    Argue with the poll or and it’s methodology, fine, but that “it’s all part of the big fix” grows tiresome. Especially when you liked to a Harvard-Harris poll yesterday with glee. 


    This is a meltdown. Full blown. He made a homophobic slur, because he has deep hatred in his heart which comes out when he's rattled and exposed. Now he's trying to say it was just "humor". It wasn't, Frank. It was anger. 


    You've proven being honest is a struggle for you, but at the very least be honest about that.

  6. 10 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Says the guy who posts stuff like “driving around my Oklahoma neighborhood I see 100 Trump signs to every 1 Biden”

    keep dreaming. I hear that on October 17 you will be doing a little role reversal and putting on the strap-on ... holster to join the Proud Boys in the reckoning. 


    The signs of a man who's lost. A man who's been so embarrassed and pummeled on here that all he has left is homophobic insults. 


    And he wonders why he's a clown :lol: 


    His hate is clear to see. He's unstable. A known liar. And he can't hang. 

  7. Just now, meazza said:


    After how Romney was the perfect gentleman and was completely destroyed by the moderators and the media, why do you think anyone would act any differnt?


    Trump is a petulant child but this should be expected after what happened to Romney.


    Correct. The left made the rules, the media has enabled those rules for decades now (rule 1: only the left is allowed to punch back), and Trump has made his hay by ignoring those rules. I completely understand that being a turnoff for some people, it's a style issue. But it's also the only way forward at this point in time.

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. Just now, Jauronimo said:

    It was just as entertaining as when the President called him dumb.   


    Biden had to talk over Trump.  He had no choice.  If he doesn't go on the offensive and play the same game as Trump then we hear about how weak he is.  Its the reason he has the nomination.  Biden won the bid because he was viewed as a fighter and someone who can stand up to Trump.  That debate was a new low in American politics.


    I fully agree on your assessment of Biden. And by that metric, he failed miserably last night. He looked slow, weak and could not match Trump's pace. He needed Wallace to protect him, even asked him to do so multiple times. That's not a fighter. For all the talk about Joe taking Trump behind the school and beating him up (remember those claims) Joe got pummeled. 


    1 minute ago, Jauronimo said:

    There is nothing presidential about either of them but no one seems to really care anymore.  


    Because we are at war. We're just not calling it that. Image is secondary.

    • Like (+1) 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, Jauronimo said:

    If he's going to be a "tank" then I don't want to hear anymore whining about supposed moderator favoritism the next time Trump tries to roll over his opponent and anyone who tries to get him to respect the agreed upon format of the debate.


    It's not supposed favoritism though, it's real bias. It's evident and has been. They are trying to win a game with rigged rules, Trump won't play by those rigged rules. You think that's a problem, but millions cheer it on because they're tired of the political class having one set of rules for them and one set for the rest of us. 


    Hence the massive divide in this country. 

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