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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. I'd say this is the law of unintended consequences... but that wouldn't be quite accurate.
  2. For fun, go back and skim the first 50 pages of this thread (or any of the Russia threads) and see the progression of people realizing how forked the investigation truly was. It started with most people presuming that of course they would do it by the book, there are too many eyes on them not to. Biggest scandal in the history of the country.
  3. (Deliberate -- obviously -- not "accidental") But when the media covers for your lies, why bother telling the truth?
  4. There's really nothing left you can defend about Mueller or the probe itself -- unless you're either a fan of seditious conspiracies designed to disenfranchise the American People, or completely ignorant of the facts. It's pretty easy to tell who's who based on their posts in this thread * The investigators knew before Mueller took the job that there was no collusion, conspiracy, or crimes committed by Trump or his team (fact) * The investigators ignored this knowledge and created a probe designed to be an obstruction/perjury trap designed to allow the media to run rampant with speculation * The investigators routinely leaked false information to the media behind the protection of "anonymous sources" in order to gaslight the country * The investigation was used to interfere in the 2018 midterms -- which is ironic considering the purported reason for the probe in the first place * The end result of the investigation was a complete vindication of Trump's election victory -- and a complete repudiation of the establishment powers behind the probe Scoreboard: 0 Trump officials indicted or charged for crimes involving the 2016 election, Russia, or collusion. 1 SCO/FBI team member pleaded guilty to falsifying evidence against Trump.
  5. If Mueller's team had been investigating a D, then the same would hold. But they weren't... so they aren't.
  6. It's never ending hilarity to watch fascists out themselves as fascists. Don't like a thread, instead of ignoring it they want to erase it from history. Sorry, Transplant. You just proved (again) that you're streets behind. But man, I got one new avatar for every month of the year for you to try out. You'll love them. He's a lost person who doesn't realize that he's advocating for the fascism he claims to be against.
  7. Not "rip Trump", sow the seeds of division by claiming he was not only elected through theft and treason, but hyperbolic (and baseless) claims that he's both Hitler and Stalin reborn. The media has always leaned left, but even with W in office they never strayed past a certain line of decorum. That line evaporated in October of 2016 -- not because Trump was worse than other people who came before him -- but because he was a direct threat to the establishment powers themselves. Passing it off as just "Trump asked for it" is to miss the forest through the trees.
  8. Only suckers believe McCain was ever a hero -- and those are the only sort who fell for the Atlantic story which the editor (and 15+ witnesses) already disavowed Transplant is just like No Chance Joe, he can't come up with his own ideas so he steals Trump's and tries to pass it off as his own
  9. One thing certainly hasn't changed... still too many commercials.
  10. (slightly amended) Best talent + most continuity. Bills are in a good spot.
  11. Watch Reid open it up now instead of continuing to pound the ball
  12. It's the rare/coveted blend of a talented player going to the perfect team. He's (potentially) Thurman for them.
  13. And let CEH run it in
  14. Why bother? You've been refuted with undeniable evidence countless times over the past four years of you getting every single thing wrong on this topic -- yet you persist. Why? Because you enjoy the stench of your own ignorance.
  15. This sparked ZERO scandals or media frenzy -- and what happened after this? Russia invaded the Ukraine. Why? Because 44 was soft on Putin.
  16. 100% If people are putting faith in "sketchy sources" then they're discerning wrong. It's a perishable skill, it must not only be learned but maintained. Allow me a counter. I'm interested in why otherwise intelligent people keep going back to the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, AP, USA Today and all the other legacy media sources who have proven beyond any doubt over the past two decades that they are liars who exist not to "report news" or "truth", but to propagandize and push distortions. See: WMD in Iraq, see the 2016 election, see Trump/Mueller, see Covid... If you can answer that one, then you'll be a step closer to figuring out what's really happening.
  17. This story will change zero people's minds -- because it's a nothing story dressed up as if it were a bombshell. It's not.
  18. No new war -- first president in 39 years who can say that. Historic peace deals with: Israel/UAE/KSA(soon) + more Cooled tensions with DPRK when war was imminent, all but officially ended the longest American War in history Destroyed ISIS without invading a sovereign nation or a troop "surge". Brought the Syrian war to a heel by working with international partners rather than by funding AQ which was the last administration's strategy Severely curtailed both Hezbollah and Hamas's financial networks and reach. ...And that's just off the top of my head and just in his first term.
  19. I never said I would do that. I said people do that here now and it's driving the mods nuts (per the mods). Take away PPP and that annoyance goes up tenfold. It's very simple math.
  20. He did, in Syria. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/battle-syria-us-russian-mercenaries-commandos-islamic-state-a8370781.html https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-leaked-audio-humiliating-defeat-by-us-forces-2018-2 https://www.newsweek.com/total-f-russian-mercenaries-syria-lament-us-strike-killed-dozens-818073 100% casualties -- just for the Russian ghost soldiers amassing close to a US position. After this, the Russians backed way off with their irregular forces.
  21. Truth. Most here would trade an honest president who says terrible things in public for a dishonest one who shines the public on with empty rhetoric. It would be sad if it wasn't so funny to watch them paint themselves into that corner.
  22. Ask them to do the protests now...
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