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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. https://nypost.com/2020/09/11/chinese-virologist-says-she-has-proof-covid-19-was-made-in-wuhan-lab/
  2. Again, Tracey is about as far removed from being a Right Winger as Tibs is from having a functioning frontal lobe.
  3. I've said, many times, how I feel about schedules and timelines people release on this subject (or any). It normally signals that it won't happen on the hyped timeline... ... But we'll see soon enough.
  4. Tackling the truly important issues of our day
  5. As I said, perhaps it's just that you're incapable of being objective. If you don't think that it requires someone to be fit to stand and deliver a full weekend of rally speeches, on top of maintaining the grueling schedule of POTUS (with travel thrown in), then you've likely never been on stage. Joe cannot even do two full days of campaigning in a row without take a full week off to rest. That's not because they're hiding Joe. It's because he can't match Trump's energy or pace -- because Trump is much healthier than Joe is. By leaps and bounds.
  6. Joe called a lid at 9:50am again today so he can nap all day. Trump is doing back to back rallies where he'll speak and "perform" for 2+ hours each time. If you really do not see the difference in vitality and energy between the two, then I'd suggest you're incapable of being objective.
  7. Just referencing our bet on the general election. He took the field, I took Trump. Winner has to use an avatar of the other's choosing for a year. Here are two that didn't make the cut, but did make the finals:
  8. For what crimes? Facts are stubborn things, and it's a fact, not speculation, that Donald Trump has been more thoroughly investigated than any president in US history. He's gone through: * Two different counterintelligence probes run by the entirety of the USIC and headed by people whose mission it was to find or manufacture a crime... * Multiple (still unknown as to how many) FBI and DOJ criminal investigations into Trump personally, his family, and his business matters... * A House Intelligence Committee and Senate Intelligence Committee investigation * A full impeachment trial by the House and Senate And in every single one of those investigations, Trump was discovered to not only be crime free -- but cleaner than the people investigating him. No other active politician in office could have gone through those investigations (several done with malicious/illegal intent) and come out clean. Joe couldn't do it. Obama couldn't do it. Neither Bush could do it. Neither Clinton could do it... But sure. Let's pretend you're not living in a complete fiction of a reality He's become what he is supposedly against: * A conspiracy theorist who pushes unfounded, unproven allegations as if they were fact * A fascist who believes in supressing other people's opinions and speech when they do not fall into lockstep with his own * A cheerleader for the same establishment personalities who created the "systemic racism" in the country he claims to be against * A cheerleader for the war hawks and foreign policy wonks who want to continue our dangerous regime change and perma-war agendas to line their own pockets But on the plus side, he's going to be rocking a sweet set of avatars in the coming days
  9. That's one of them.
  10. LA isn’t as orange today as it was yesterday, but it’s still ashing on our deck.
  11. KSA will likely be the next to sign on ... and if/when that happens, it will be a tremendous shift in the region.
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