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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Danny Dimes just got crushed. He's in for a long night with this OL performance so far.
  2. Might be the single meanest thing ever written in PPP's history...
  3. The internet is forever. Lots have been saved/posted/discussed over the past few years. It's just surprising they waited until now to delete them. There's a slew of celebs with these sorts of tweets (Sarah Silverman, Patton Oswalt, James Gunn, even Jack from Twitter + more). Most are from 2011-2015 range, where apparently it was the "in" Twitter thing to make these types of "jokes".
  4. Gee, I wonder why they're slipping? Could it be No Chance Joe's love of Castro? His love of Venezuelan socialism? The fact he and his party have spent the past four months ignoring the Latino businesses which were burned and destroyed? Or... could it be that they see through his pandering BS and realize he's fraud? Here's a political tip: if a campaign is bleeding key demographics 50 days out from the election, as Biden is doing in both the Latino and Black demos, chances are you don't really have a double digit lead in said race.
  5. Bad, dishonest people exist on both sides of the "alt" spectrum -- and these guys are two of the worst.
  6. Yup. He sure does -- and that's a near impossible ask of No Chance Joe. He won't win FL for sure, and is unlikely to win WI, PA, MI, or NC (in that order).
  7. I'm a historian by training and education, including graduate school. ... And I spent the past 12 years working in Hollywood, right in the belly of the beast
  8. Critical race theory -- in all its forms -- reinforces racism and tries to combat racism by offering more racism. Like, as an example, taking a benign comment and twisting it into a racist attack where none was intended. The purpose of CT is to tear down everything it touches without offering a solution or replacement to what it destroys. It's pure Marxism -- and literally nothing good ever came from Marxist philosophy or reinterpretation. Marxism is brain poison, and CT is the gateway drug to the harder ideologies. (This is not meant as an attack on you -- I don't think you're a Marxist, but there is CT creep in your language which you might be unaware of)
  9. They both have/had a ton of ... seemingly odd posts about children and the occult. Jokes about eating kids, jokes about dead kids, jokes about pedophilia -- you know, totally normal topics which people post about online every day.
  10. I did. Comment stands.
  11. Of course they are. And Colin rightly calls them out for it. It's a good lesson for everyone else: even if you bow to the mob, the mob will still eat you. So stand your ground and fight rather than kowtow.
  12. Brilliant. Agree to something Joe could never possibly do, would never possibly do, and claim victory. The man knows what he's doing. You may not think you're left, but your brain has been infested by critical theory -- which is noxious poison for the mind. Its unstated goal is in fact the opposite of the cause you believe you're fighting for. Ingesting Marxism under the guise of "critical race theory" (or any of its offspring) is a losing battle if you wish to remain a free thinking person.
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