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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Fools? More like bought and paid for CCP assets.
  2. "Your boy" Can't argue honestly, so he must assign people positions for him to argue against. Trump is not AD's boy. But why let facts get in the way of a crazy rant?
  3. There he goes again -- he can't have a rational, sane conversation. So he must invent a position to argue against. That's something crazy people do. Not sane people. And certainly not honest people.
  4. You're wasting your breath. Gary is never one to have an honest discussion, he's here to defend the indefensible because he's broken. His track record makes it clear he's a schmuck with a propensity for stupidity and dishonesty. Take the W, kick some dirt on him, then forget him.
  5. It's never really been about the virus.
  6. The entire leftist belief system is based on projection, fear, and hypocrisy.
  7. I would argue anyone that lets the media -- who have proven to be liars and manipulators on socially engineered issues such as this -- drive their fears about any group really hasn't thought through the problem far enough. They want us divided. They want us fighting each other instead of solving actual problems. Why give in to their agenda?
  8. Wouldn't shock me, but 48 hour rule with this one for me.
  9. The irony of this post is just outstanding
  10. Per the bolded, let me ask you sincerely a question I've asked myself. Forget our current political situation, Trump or Biden don't exist for the sake of this question, what matters more to you personally: having a president who says all the right things in public and is spit shined perfect in terms of staying on message -- however off screen/camera he's corrupt up the wazzoo in any way you can imagine, or a president who's a lout and anything but spit shined perfect on camera -- however off screen/camera he's not lining his pockets but instead doing his job above board? A lot of people who "support Trump" don't like his personality, they tolerate it as a means to an end.
  11. Oh, I'll fully acknowledge it. That's always been his style for better and worse. It's one of the big reasons he won in '16 (because he tapped into a large segment of the population's desire to stick it to establishment DC). People who expect Trump to be anything other than Trump are never going to be satisfied. This is a feature not a bug for many. And for many, it's an instant turnoff. I understand how both camps got there.
  12. Tim's not a righty by any means. The fringe right and left are the same. And equally ridiculous.
  13. The first coup attempt in American history, fully supported by you. said as you deflect from the issue that you bought a lie, hook line and sinker.
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