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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Sharing information scares JA -- because he's not a serious person. He wants to be drip fed information from "approved sources", the same ones that have a shite track record. He thinks this makes him smart -- but all his posts prove it does the opposite. Be better than JA. Don't get tweaked by information. Read it instead.
  2. Because JA knows the media would never intentionally lie! Just like he was certain there was no cabal in the FBI trying to frame Trump. He's been shown to be wrong (on everything) the past three years, but he still believes these principles because he's too scared to ever think for himself.
  3. ********************** Case in point:
  4. You've been wrong on every post you've made for the past three years. Without once admitting you were wrong. Because your brain is broken. You don't hang out here because you get your intellectual shortcomings exposed each and every time. Because you're not a serious person. You STILL believe the words of people who lied to your face for three + years because you're too cowardly to think for yourself. THAT'S why you don't hang out here, asshat.
  5. It was one of the more dishonest displays outside of a JA post. How can you give them any benefit of the doubt after how they've treated Bernie this whole time? CNN is anti-Bernie.
  6. She wouldn't shake his hand, all the Bernie Bros are pissed (online at least): *********** Thanks for the campaign ad, Mr. Walnut Sauce.
  7. Here's the link to the full motion (and a good tweet above it) And an official statement:
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