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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Umm... wut? M. Night Shyamalan Accused of 'Gender Arrogance' in Copyright Lawsuit https://variety.com/2020/biz/news/m-night-shyamalan-gender-arrogance-lawsuit-male-gaze-1203468049/
  2. Another one who has been wrong, on nearly every post, for three years. Still hasn't learned a thing... Just an embarrassment of a poster. **************** And now @Kemp has run away. Like the coward he is. I'd say it's sad, but it's entirely predictable.
  3. Proving how scared he is of information. And thinking for himself. One would think that if you were shown to be wrong, over and over again, as JA has been these past several years, a person would change how he gets his information. But not JA. He doubled down with the same den of vipers because he lacks the intellectual courage to think for himself. He thinks that makes him smart. But it proves he's a coward with a broken brain.
  4. Move those goalposts all you want. You can't escape your own words and "deep thoughts" on these topics. You've been exposed to be wrong on every front on this issue and others. And all you keep proving is that despite being shown undeniable evidence that you've been lied to, you keep going back to the same well where those who lied to you spread information. You think that makes you smart. It doesn't. You're a fool.
  5. It's not fiction when it's your own words. You literally said there was no cabal of FBI agents working against Trump the very day the entire upper echelon was referred for criminal charges by the OIG. That's what you did. Because you're a fool.
  6. 9th circuit ruling too...
  7. Forgive him. He's still laboring under the talking points from before the holiday. He hasn't checked his ShareBlue account lately.
  8. It's not addressed because it's a nonsense point / piece of evidence. One any rational person, not one afflicted with acute TDS can see immediately. Raise a serious point, with an honest desire to discuss it, and you'll get me conversing all day long. You tried to doxx me -- because I was discussing now proven facts with you. That's why I'm hostile to you. And you deserve every bit of it. Because you tried to doxx me by pointing out my own Twitter page as evidence (which only proved your own ignorance) If he was major, the House should have subpoenaed him. That's their job, not the Senate. You're literally here spinning the same nonsense for proven liars and manipulators who lied to your face for three years about Trump/Russia. Instead of questioning these people's motives, you blindly believe the very next lie they throw your way. Why? I don't deny anything of the sort. I deny the illegality of it. There is no crime here. None. Because there is nothing to this impeachment sham. Not a single crime. Nothing but politics. And the House ***** up. It's not the Senate's job to re-do the House's work. Things you'd know if you weren't suffering from extreme TDS mixed with weapons grade stupidity. This is nonsense. Hot garbage. A terrible take. We have the presumption of innocence in this country. And the House did not prove anything close to guilt. They didn't even accuse Trump of a crime. You're being lied to. Again. And you're too stupid to question it because you'd rather keep believing the words of people who lied to you your whole life. Not just about Trump/Russia, but about illegal spying, about WMD in Iraq... All you're doing is proving how completely addled your brain actually is. All answered. Now your turn: Why do you believe Adam Schiff or the media when they are proven liars about Trump/Russia?
  9. You can do better than that, Transplant. Pick your trash talking game up ************* Pt 2 of the PV release:
  10. Does that mean the next one is fought against the mighty Humpback Whale pods of the Pacific?
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