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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. They've never really hidden their contempt for him. Ever since '16. I just am surprised that you're willing to cut them slack when they've earned none. Especially when it comes to their coverage of Bernie's campaign itself.
  2. I have plenty of character. You've exposed your own as being shallow and lacking in courage and conviction. That's on you. Years of denying this -- calling what's real fake, and in the process hundreds of thousands if not millions of kids were abused. You could have spoken out. You chose to mock instead. And that includes mocking the victims. That's on you. Don't like it, change your world view. Try being honest for a change.
  3. Your record is your record. Until you man up and admit you were wrong. Until then, your words are on you... All you've done down here is enable it by dismissing real facts as fiction. That's on you. No one else.
  4. Calling something that's real, fake, does not make you a warrior for truth. Or the victims. It makes you complicit. You just proved me right again. Without hesitation. And you LITERALLY just accused most of the board of doing the same thing with Boyst. Save your sanctimonious outrage. It's as fake as the rest of your posts.
  5. Again he calls it conspiratorial. Proving that I was correct with this statement: .
  6. It's the record of your words. That's the world you prefer, based on your posts and lack of intellectual honesty or courage.
  7. That's false -- and I've dedicated years of my life to working with victims and helping others hunt their abusers. But keep thinking your own history of shameful apathy is something to be proud of.
  8. He says the above -- while belittling the topic in every other thread. He spent years belittling the notion of pedophile rings being connected to the powerful in the media and DC as nonsense. Now that it's proven, he shifts his perspective to: "what, you didn't know?! HA!" Because he's broken. JA would rather live in a world that lies to him, and allows children to get abused, than to admit he was wrong and has been unknowingly (knowingly) supporting the abusers and the system they created for his entire life. Broken brains say the darndest things ... And then shift the goal posts when they get cornered by their own words and faults. He should feel ashamed. But nah... that would require some semblance of honesty and self evaluation.
  9. Yup. And for the overwhelming majority of people, they have an excuse for not knowing about this evil. We, as a people, have been lied to about it for our entire lives by powerful people in the media and politics. They get a pass for that -- but the past several years the flood of information has moved this topic from the realm of unproven conspiracy theory into proven fact. Millions of people have shifted their understanding based on this new information. Because they're honest, and horrified by what has been done. Then you have JA. Who continues to belittle it, and the information/evidence which proves his world view has been manipulated and curated for his whole life. Rather than shift his perception, he's doubled down on the lies. Because he's weak. And cares more about "being right" than he does about truth. Or protecting children. That's on him.
  10. "11 and 12 year olds" -- trafficked, abused for decades. But JA thinks it's all "conspiracy" -- and that kind of thinking is what allows/allowed this evil to continue unabated for all that time. Because it's more important to JA and those who think like him to "stay in his lane" and "trust the authorities/experts" than it is to think for himself. He'd rather be lied to, over and over again, than do anything to protect innocents. That's what he fights for. Every day. The continuation of the norm... which includes this kind of abuse. He thinks that makes him brave and smart. It makes him a coward and complicit.
  11. Yahoo! News, reporting that really matters.
  12. Don't worry though, JA has concluded that elite pedophile rings connected to the establishment power players in entertainment and politics is just "conspiracy". He made up his mind years ago, and won't change it... other than to say, "I've always known they existed!" while mocking information shared that proves it. Frauds say fraudulence things.
  13. It is when you're running from your own post and moving goal posts. But again, you're dishonest to your core. So expecting anything resembling honesty from your posts is like banking on a 2020 win for the democrats. It just ain't gonna happen.
  14. JA-scared of information. So scared, the simple act of sharing it enrages him to the point of having to post about it. Endlessly.
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